Best running motivation in Hindi | Best running motivational video | by The ManGo Happy [race]

Best running motivation in Hindi |  Best running motivational video  |  by The ManGo Happy [race]

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Best running motivation in Hindi |Best running motivational video | by The ManGo Happy [race]

Thinking of running, have to stay fit, have to go to army, now have decided to dispose right now friend, but do not let go, so now it is stopping now why is making excuses today it is not rainy today Let me sleep a little today, these abyss, why do not think that dreams are not fulfilled, action has to be taken to fulfill dreams, hard work has to be done by putting heavy jams and running on running, an exercise has to be done a thousand times. If you have to rub yourself every day, not in 1 day, then the body glows like a diamond because luck has made every man a unique diamond, but will shine only as he will wear himself every day.
