PROFESSOR | Episode 1 | Crime. Drama. Mystery | FULL EPISODE | english subtitles

PROFESSOR | Episode 1 | Crime. Drama. Mystery | FULL EPISODE | english subtitles
PROFESSOR | Episode 1 | Crime. Drama. Mystery | FULL EPISODE | english subtitles

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PROFESSOR | Episode 1 | Crime. Drama. Mystery | FULL EPISODE | english subtitles
The young doctor Ivan Fogle becomes the assistant of professor Voskresensky, a mysterious genius who prefers an enclosed lifestyle. The professor doesn’t need an assistant, but as the University’s Board of Trustees insists, he is forced to hire Fogle.
In addition to medical practice, the professor helps the police to investigate suspicious cases of death. In this case, the police seized all the mail, as the postman who transported it, burned alive. The chief of police thinks that this is a rare case of spontaneous self-ignition. However, professor Voskresensky is convinced that this is a sophisticated murder, and he is determined to prove it.

Yuriy Kolokolnikov, Andrey Nazimov, Maxim Lagashkin, Anton Khabarov, Vladimir Epifantsev, Vilma Kutaviсiгtе
Directed by: Dmitry Petrun

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Download Movie PROFESSOR | Episode 1 | Crime. Drama. Mystery | FULL EPISODE | english subtitles