Sometimes a noble failure serves the world as faithfully as a distinguished success.
A true measure of your worth includes all the benefits others have gained from your success.
A true measure of your worth includes all the benefits others have gained from your success.
When success comes, people can try to trick you or take advantage of you.
When success comes, people can try to trick you or take advantage of you.
Success listens only to applause. To all else it is deaf.
Success listens only to applause. To all else it is deaf.
There's not an instruction manual on how to deal with success, so you just have to rely on having great friends and a good team.
There’s not an instruction manual on how to deal with success, so you just have to rely on having great friends and a good team.
My definition of success is control.
My definition of success is control.
Keep in mind that neither success nor failure is ever final.
Keep in mind that neither success nor failure is ever final.
I don't think the U.K. should leave the E.U. I think it would be a disaster for our economy, and it would lead to a decade of economic and political uncertainty at a time when the tectonic plates of global success are moving.
I don’t think the U.K. should leave the E.U. I think it would be a disaster for our economy, and it would lead to a decade of economic and political uncertainty at a time when the tectonic plates of global success are moving.
The most important ingredient for the success of any company is the quality of its people, starting with its leadership team.
The most important ingredient for the success of any company is the quality of its people, starting with its leadership team.
Hard work and dedication is important to success, and I have those qualities.
Hard work and dedication is important to success, and I have those qualities.
Hip hop classes and ballet are what I've been keeping up with, and of course my usual abdominal workout, which consists of 500 sit-ups a session. Or I take a 30-minute abs class at my gym. But dance classes are a full-body cardio workout, which always brings me success and keeps me feeling great.
Hip hop classes and ballet are what I’ve been keeping up with, and of course my usual abdominal workout, which consists of 500 sit-ups a session. Or I take a 30-minute abs class at my gym. But dance classes are a full-body cardio workout, which always brings me success and keeps me feeling great.
I do think a key to success in any walk of life is having a short memory and a thick skin – I know it has served me well over the years.
I do think a key to success in any walk of life is having a short memory and a thick skin – I know it has served me well over the years.