Our education system must promote nationalism but should be modern and relevant to contemporary needs.
Punjabi Poem Recitation I ਮੇਰਾ ਪੰਜਾਬ.. ਮੇਰਾ ਦੇਸ਼… I Kids Lounge
A heartwarming poem on Punjabi culture and nationalism. Written by Dr. Prashant Bhatt from Rhyming Vibes (www.rhymingvibes.com). Appropriate for school punjabi poem recitation competition for class 1 to class 8.
Recited by Akshita Bhatt, Class 5.
Written by Dr. Prashant Bhatt from Rhyming Vibes (www.rhymingvibes.com)
#kidslounge #punjabipoemrecitation #bestpunjabipoemsforkids #poemsbydrprashantbhatt