Every man hath a general desire of his own happiness; and likewise a variety of particular affections, passions, and appetites to particular external objects.
Some of us might find happiness if we quit struggling so desperately for it.
Some of us might find happiness if we quit struggling so desperately for it.
William Feather
Now an infinite happiness cannot be purchased by any price less than that which is infinite in value; and infinity of merit can only result from a nature that is infinitely divine or perfect.
Now an infinite happiness cannot be purchased by any price less than that which is infinite in value; and infinity of merit can only result from a nature that is infinitely divine or perfect.
There is no correlation between happiness and amounts of money.
There is no correlation between happiness and amounts of money.
The Divine of the Lord in heaven is love, for the reason that love is receptive of all things of heaven, such as peace, intelligence, wisdom and happiness.
The Divine of the Lord in heaven is love, for the reason that love is receptive of all things of heaven, such as peace, intelligence, wisdom and happiness.
My travels led me to where I am today. Sometimes these steps have felt painful, difficult, but led me to greater happiness and opportunites.
My travels led me to where I am today. Sometimes these steps have felt painful, difficult, but led me to greater happiness and opportunites.
I've come to the conclusion that we're all responsible for our own happiness and the happiness in your life depends on the quality of your thoughts. I'm a big believer in positive thinking.
I’ve come to the conclusion that we’re all responsible for our own happiness and the happiness in your life depends on the quality of your thoughts. I’m a big believer in positive thinking.
I had to try and find a way to express happiness without sounding corny.
I had to try and find a way to express happiness without sounding corny.
Social scientists have found that the fastest way to feel happiness is to practice gratitude.
Social scientists have found that the fastest way to feel happiness is to practice gratitude.
It is an amazing feature in the French character that they will let themselves be led away so easily by bad counsels and yet return again so quickly. It is certain that as these people have, out of their misery, treated us so well, we are the more bound to work for their happiness.
It is an amazing feature in the French character that they will let themselves be led away so easily by bad counsels and yet return again so quickly. It is certain that as these people have, out of their misery, treated us so well, we are the more bound to work for their happiness.
There is something very unique in American iconography about this notion of the pursuit of happiness.
There is something very unique in American iconography about this notion of the pursuit of happiness.
Of how much real happiness we cheat our souls by preferring a trifle to God! We have a general intention of living religion; but we intend to begin tomorrow or next year. The present moment we prefer giving to the world.
Of how much real happiness we cheat our souls by preferring a trifle to God! We have a general intention of living religion; but we intend to begin tomorrow or next year. The present moment we prefer giving to the world.