For the millions of Americans, like my family, who believe that there is a creator God who can be known personally, Christmas is a celebration of Jesus' offer of love and forgiveness for all people.


For the millions of Americans, like my family, who believe that there is a creator God who can be known personally, Christmas is a celebration of Jesus’ offer of love and forgiveness for all people.


I think 'Pose' is unique in that it's not just a trans story – it's about family. It's about love. It's about friendship and acceptance and really deconstructing humanity, and the ethical side of that, with how we treat people who are different than us.


I think ‘Pose’ is unique in that it’s not just a trans story – it’s about family. It’s about love. It’s about friendship and acceptance and really deconstructing humanity, and the ethical side of that, with how we treat people who are different than us.


I love 'Braxton Family Values!' I love seeing a strong family unit striving for success while dealing with everyday struggles like everyone else. Whatever drama they find themselves in, they find a way to solve it and get back to the importance of family. A positive show for sure.


I love ‘Braxton Family Values!’ I love seeing a strong family unit striving for success while dealing with everyday struggles like everyone else. Whatever drama they find themselves in, they find a way to solve it and get back to the importance of family. A positive show for sure.


For women, Neo-Confucianism placed extra emphasis on chastity, obedience, and diligence. A good wife should have no desire other than to serve her husband, no ambition other than to produce a son, and no interest beyond subjugating herself to her husband's family – meaning, among other things, she must never remarry if widowed.


For women, Neo-Confucianism placed extra emphasis on chastity, obedience, and diligence. A good wife should have no desire other than to serve her husband, no ambition other than to produce a son, and no interest beyond subjugating herself to her husband’s family – meaning, among other things, she must never remarry if widowed.


Who would have thought that a tap-dancing penguin would outpoint James Bond at the box office? And deserve to? Not that there's anything wrong with 'Casino Royale.' But 'Happy Feet' – written and directed by George Miller – is a complete charmer, even if, in the way of most family fare, it can't resist straying into the Inspirational.


Who would have thought that a tap-dancing penguin would outpoint James Bond at the box office? And deserve to? Not that there’s anything wrong with ‘Casino Royale.’ But ‘Happy Feet’ – written and directed by George Miller – is a complete charmer, even if, in the way of most family fare, it can’t resist straying into the Inspirational.
