I graduated high school, and I did my internship at Dove in their public relations department because I thought I wanted to be in PR, which turns out I did not. It was right when they were coming out with the Campaign for Real Beauty, so I got an inside view on the whole thing.


I graduated high school, and I did my internship at Dove in their public relations department because I thought I wanted to be in PR, which turns out I did not. It was right when they were coming out with the Campaign for Real Beauty, so I got an inside view on the whole thing.


I didn't even know I was the first female Republican campaign manager until someone pointed it out to me on Twitter, and I said that can't be true. And then I realized this must be such a small group of women. And right away, I know them all – Susan Estrich and Donna Brazile and Beth Myers – and I respect them enormously.


I didn’t even know I was the first female Republican campaign manager until someone pointed it out to me on Twitter, and I said that can’t be true. And then I realized this must be such a small group of women. And right away, I know them all – Susan Estrich and Donna Brazile and Beth Myers – and I respect them enormously.


Instead of candidates hiring people, like yours truly, to create campaign media that works on both conscious and subconscious levels to sway the voting public, what if all TV ads were, by law, only allowed to feature the candidate, with, say, the American flag as the backdrop, alone, speaking directly to the camera?


Instead of candidates hiring people, like yours truly, to create campaign media that works on both conscious and subconscious levels to sway the voting public, what if all TV ads were, by law, only allowed to feature the candidate, with, say, the American flag as the backdrop, alone, speaking directly to the camera?


In 2006 it was a horrible election year, and, you know, I lost. But I lost because I continued to be a constant conservative, and the last six years I was someone who was a national figure in the sense that I was the third ranking Republican in leadership and I had just run President Bush's campaign in Pennsylvania.


In 2006 it was a horrible election year, and, you know, I lost. But I lost because I continued to be a constant conservative, and the last six years I was someone who was a national figure in the sense that I was the third ranking Republican in leadership and I had just run President Bush’s campaign in Pennsylvania.


As I visited the various neighborhoods in the campaign, I learned fast that it's a mistake to think that all of the wisdom and possible solutions to our problems are available only in this building.


As I visited the various neighborhoods in the campaign, I learned fast that it’s a mistake to think that all of the wisdom and possible solutions to our problems are available only in this building.


Funny Punjabi Poem on Election Promises- Raavi Vicho…

Funny Punjabi Poem on Election Promises- Raavi Vicho…
Funny Punjabi Poem on Election Promises- Raavi Vicho…

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Funny Punjabi poem on election promises during an election rally in Pakistan. “Raavi vichon vagiya”