The more I work with the body, keeping my assumptions in a temporary state of reservation, the more I appreciate and sympathize with a given disease. The body no longer appears as a sick or irrational demon, but as a process with its own inner logic and wisdom.

The more I work with the body, keeping my assumptions in a temporary state of reservation, the more I appreciate and sympathize with a given disease. The body no longer appears as a sick or irrational demon, but as a process with its own inner logic and wisdom.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that from puberty onwards, the female body is disgusting and unruly and must be tamed, trimmed and tinted to within an inch of its life before it can be allowed to roam freely in the public eye.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that from puberty onwards, the female body is disgusting and unruly and must be tamed, trimmed and tinted to within an inch of its life before it can be allowed to roam freely in the public eye.

The main criticism that I get is, 'Aren't you just conforming to a patriarchal standard of beauty?' Well, this is just the body I was given. I didn't do anything to it – it's just my body. But even if I had altered it, that would be fine, too.

The main criticism that I get is, ‘Aren’t you just conforming to a patriarchal standard of beauty?’ Well, this is just the body I was given. I didn’t do anything to it – it’s just my body. But even if I had altered it, that would be fine, too.

I am very careful about my health… For example, I have body check-ups regularly and take some medicines to control my blood pressure, because I have a little bit high blood pressure.

I am very careful about my health… For example, I have body check-ups regularly and take some medicines to control my blood pressure, because I have a little bit high blood pressure.

I'm 5'3'', and not often you get to see that in a magazine. I think that what is so cool about 'Sports Illustrated' is it's all different body shapes, all difference sizes. You have actresses, sports figures, musicians, so it's all about skin deep beauty sort of radiating to the outside, and that's what's so special.

I’m 5’3”, and not often you get to see that in a magazine. I think that what is so cool about ‘Sports Illustrated’ is it’s all different body shapes, all difference sizes. You have actresses, sports figures, musicians, so it’s all about skin deep beauty sort of radiating to the outside, and that’s what’s so special.

Our limitations and success will be based, most often, on your own expectations for ourselves. What the mind dwells upon, the body acts upon.

Our limitations and success will be based, most often, on your own expectations for ourselves. What the mind dwells upon, the body acts upon.

Love is a state of Being. Your love is not outside; it is deep within you. You can never lose it, and it cannot leave you. It is not dependent on some other body, some external form.

Love is a state of Being. Your love is not outside; it is deep within you. You can never lose it, and it cannot leave you. It is not dependent on some other body, some external form.

The body is a universal language. Because if you spoke French, and I speak English, but I move like this or do certain movements, I can still make you smile and laugh.

The body is a universal language. Because if you spoke French, and I speak English, but I move like this or do certain movements, I can still make you smile and laugh.

Taught from infancy that beauty is woman's sceptre, the mind shapes itself to the body, and roaming round its gilt cage, only seeks to adorn its prison.

Taught from infancy that beauty is woman’s sceptre, the mind shapes itself to the body, and roaming round its gilt cage, only seeks to adorn its prison.

If wearing the Spanx helps you get looks, and you feel that energy and response, and you're rocking your body with confidence, that's still how you'll feel about yourself when you get home and take the Spanx off… If your attitude improves from the Spanx, wear the Spanx!

If wearing the Spanx helps you get looks, and you feel that energy and response, and you’re rocking your body with confidence, that’s still how you’ll feel about yourself when you get home and take the Spanx off… If your attitude improves from the Spanx, wear the Spanx!