Wonder Woman, she's amazing. I love everything that she represents and everything that she stands for. She's all about love and compassion and truth and justice and equality, and she's a whole lot of woman.

Wonder Woman, she’s amazing. I love everything that she represents and everything that she stands for. She’s all about love and compassion and truth and justice and equality, and she’s a whole lot of woman.

I know no subject more elevating, more amazing, more ready to the poetical enthusiasm, the philosophical reflection, and the moral sentiment than the works of nature. Where can we meet such variety, such beauty, such magnificence?

I know no subject more elevating, more amazing, more ready to the poetical enthusiasm, the philosophical reflection, and the moral sentiment than the works of nature. Where can we meet such variety, such beauty, such magnificence?

'Grease' changed my life in the most amazing way, and I've had such an amazing life. When things go wrong, you've got to believe you will get through them and focus on the positive things in your life.

‘Grease’ changed my life in the most amazing way, and I’ve had such an amazing life. When things go wrong, you’ve got to believe you will get through them and focus on the positive things in your life.

I have to be very humble. I know that anything I do is through God. Through me, God can make a miracle. The most you can do is to think and create all love, all grace, all power, all health. When you do that, amazing things can happen. But the day I think that I'm doing a miracle myself is a foolish day for me.

I have to be very humble. I know that anything I do is through God. Through me, God can make a miracle. The most you can do is to think and create all love, all grace, all power, all health. When you do that, amazing things can happen. But the day I think that I’m doing a miracle myself is a foolish day for me.

My mother was the most amazing person. She taught me to be kind to other women. She believed in family. She was with my father from the first day they met. All that I am, she taught me.

My mother was the most amazing person. She taught me to be kind to other women. She believed in family. She was with my father from the first day they met. All that I am, she taught me.

You know that scene in 'Runaway Bride' when Julia Roberts puts on the amazing wedding dress and looks at herself in the mirror and goes, 'Swish, swish'? I loved that moment so much when I was a little girl.

You know that scene in ‘Runaway Bride’ when Julia Roberts puts on the amazing wedding dress and looks at herself in the mirror and goes, ‘Swish, swish’? I loved that moment so much when I was a little girl.