My mother said I was a little odd as a kid. I was alone a lot, but I didn't feel alone. Cyndi Lauper 3 years ago Click to rate this post![Total: 0 Average: 0] My mother said I was a little odd as a kid. I was alone a lot, but I didn’t feel alone. RelatedIf you think spreading money around by force seems like an odd definition of fairness, you're not alone.June 6, 2022In "Alone Quotes"Some of my foster families used to send me to the movies to get me out of the house and there I'd sit all day and way into the night. Up in front, there with the screen so big, a little kid all alone, and I loved it. I loved anything that moved up there and I didn't miss anything that happened and there was no popcorn either.April 13, 2022In "Alone Quotes"When I decided to be a singer, my mother warned me I'd be alone a lot. Basically we all are.April 19, 2022In "Alone Quotes"