I really do believe that inner beauty is so much more than any kind of outer beauty. Rachele Brooke Smith 3 years ago Click to rate this post![Total: 0 Average: 0] I really do believe that inner beauty is so much more than any kind of outer beauty. RelatedLearning to love my inner and outer beauty wasn't an easy road. I still don't always love the reflection I see in the mirror, but I have learned that my outer appearance does not define me.May 13, 2022In "Beauty Quotes"We no longer dare to believe in beauty and we make of it a mere appearance in order the more easily to dispose of it.March 26, 2022In "Beauty Quotes"It is still breathtaking to me to watch people bring love, preciousness and kindness to their inner world, allowing the light of God to shine through their eyes so that the beauty of their soul can come forth.May 21, 2022In "Beauty Quotes"