I didn't come from a very rigid background, where there's a clan or a tribe or a religion. Ry Cooder 3 years ago Click to rate this post![Total: 0 Average: 0] I didn’t come from a very rigid background, where there’s a clan or a tribe or a religion. RelatedThere are some forms of religion that are bad, just as there's bad cooking or bad art or bad sex, you have bad religion too.April 26, 2022In "Religion Quotes"The American way was for commerce, personal relationships, and religion to be voluntary. No one was forced to participate in something he didn't want.April 18, 2022In "Religion Quotes"I travel around the world, experiencing every language, every religion… some places where there's just no reason to smile, because their lives are so difficult.April 18, 2022In "Religion Quotes"