I definitely want to continue working in independent films – and big budget stuff as well – but there's a freedom you have when you're not getting paid. It's easier to say no and there's no pressure to please the powers that be. Also I don't have to hear 'flirt and smile more.'

I definitely want to continue working in independent films – and big budget stuff as well – but there’s a freedom you have when you’re not getting paid. It’s easier to say no and there’s no pressure to please the powers that be. Also I don’t have to hear ‘flirt and smile more.’

I think I've always had a certain amount of skepticism of this whole 'shut up and smile' theory. I haven't ever swallowed that pill so easily, although I tried.

I think I’ve always had a certain amount of skepticism of this whole ‘shut up and smile’ theory. I haven’t ever swallowed that pill so easily, although I tried.

At one time, you could sit on the Rue de la Paix in Paris or at the Habima Theater in Tel Aviv or in Medina and you could see a person come in, black, white, it didn't matter. You said, 'That's an American' because there's a readiness to smile and to talk to people.

At one time, you could sit on the Rue de la Paix in Paris or at the Habima Theater in Tel Aviv or in Medina and you could see a person come in, black, white, it didn’t matter. You said, ‘That’s an American’ because there’s a readiness to smile and to talk to people.

The body is a universal language. Because if you spoke French, and I speak English, but I move like this or do certain movements, I can still make you smile and laugh.

The body is a universal language. Because if you spoke French, and I speak English, but I move like this or do certain movements, I can still make you smile and laugh.

Putting a smile on kids, putting a smile on families' faces, changing people's lives with your so-called status and celebrity with your so-called impact, that's reality.

Putting a smile on kids, putting a smile on families’ faces, changing people’s lives with your so-called status and celebrity with your so-called impact, that’s reality.

Everyone has different tastes and palates. Most of the time I put a smile on people's faces but sometimes you get people who have a different view and you take that on board and see what you can make of it.

Everyone has different tastes and palates. Most of the time I put a smile on people’s faces but sometimes you get people who have a different view and you take that on board and see what you can make of it.