With my father and sister being very depressed for most of their lives, it was incumbent on me to try to make them laugh, in this ridiculous way. They were the wittiest people I knew, but to get a smile from them was like winning the lottery.

With my father and sister being very depressed for most of their lives, it was incumbent on me to try to make them laugh, in this ridiculous way. They were the wittiest people I knew, but to get a smile from them was like winning the lottery.

I've been to hundreds of conventions in my career. Sometimes I'm afraid I may get jaded by them. But then, I see a figure in bright colors walking up to me, and I smile. I thank them for reminding me of just how lucky I am to do what I get the honor to do every day of my life.

I’ve been to hundreds of conventions in my career. Sometimes I’m afraid I may get jaded by them. But then, I see a figure in bright colors walking up to me, and I smile. I thank them for reminding me of just how lucky I am to do what I get the honor to do every day of my life.

I know what it's like to be famous. It's good money and it's great fun. A real kick in the pants. People wave at you and smile at you. You get great tables in restaurants. They send you gifts – beautiful clothes and cars.

I know what it’s like to be famous. It’s good money and it’s great fun. A real kick in the pants. People wave at you and smile at you. You get great tables in restaurants. They send you gifts – beautiful clothes and cars.

I've been successful in different areas, but nothing brings a smile to my face more than my oldest son, Zaire, and my second son, Zion, saying the kind word of 'Dad.'

I’ve been successful in different areas, but nothing brings a smile to my face more than my oldest son, Zaire, and my second son, Zion, saying the kind word of ‘Dad.’

I hope there have been times when I made you all proud, or made you all smile or at least piqued your interest in this wonderful institution we call government.

I hope there have been times when I made you all proud, or made you all smile or at least piqued your interest in this wonderful institution we call government.

I once called a guy into his own office and spun around in his own chair to greet him. That kind of thing may be why I quit, before I got into serious trouble. I would smile and the person would get so upset. But you do a thousand of those things, and it makes you weird.

I once called a guy into his own office and spun around in his own chair to greet him. That kind of thing may be why I quit, before I got into serious trouble. I would smile and the person would get so upset. But you do a thousand of those things, and it makes you weird.

People ask me why I can still smile on the pitch when we're losing. I tell them that if you lose your smile and stop being happy, you should find yourself a plot in the graveyard.

People ask me why I can still smile on the pitch when we’re losing. I tell them that if you lose your smile and stop being happy, you should find yourself a plot in the graveyard.

Each one of us can do a good deed, every day and everywhere. In hospitals in desperate need of volunteers, in homes for the elderly where our parents and grandparents are longing for a smile, a listening ear, in the street, in our workplaces and especially at home.

Each one of us can do a good deed, every day and everywhere. In hospitals in desperate need of volunteers, in homes for the elderly where our parents and grandparents are longing for a smile, a listening ear, in the street, in our workplaces and especially at home.

When I play all the time, I play with a smile on my face, and then I can help my team with my goals and my game and the way I can play football.

When I play all the time, I play with a smile on my face, and then I can help my team with my goals and my game and the way I can play football.

I'm not the athlete I was when I was training for the Olympics in '92 or when I was working out every single day. I have to live in moderation: I work out three or four days a week, and I smile while I'm working out – I really do enjoy it. I work out with my girlfriends and make it a social competition.

I’m not the athlete I was when I was training for the Olympics in ’92 or when I was working out every single day. I have to live in moderation: I work out three or four days a week, and I smile while I’m working out – I really do enjoy it. I work out with my girlfriends and make it a social competition.

Mothers of all ages delight in their children, but I don't know that, if I were younger, I would feel as acutely, profoundly, preciously grateful for every smile, squeal, and – yes – diaper blowout.

Mothers of all ages delight in their children, but I don’t know that, if I were younger, I would feel as acutely, profoundly, preciously grateful for every smile, squeal, and – yes – diaper blowout.