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MokkayaSakkaya is the channel for Tamil audience who missed the best experience of world cinema , only because of the language issue . language is not a problem to taste of world cinema . So here we are ….!!!! This is our greatest motto. we going to we are going to explain the concept of the story of best world movies, that you couldn’t miss . And we are going to do that in short and sweet.
All Mr tamizhan s, mr tamil rockers channel is provide tamil voice over (mallu explainer) for super film roll movies. So mr tamizhan s, dont worry about language problem, We ( mr tamil rockers ) convert film roll Hollywood Movie Story & Review in Tamil ( tamil voice over ). Why are you waiting mr tamizhan s, comment movies(film roll) which you want in mr tamil rockers channel tamil voice over We explained story in tamil , and Tamil story explanation of hollywood movies , Story explained in tamil like Mr. tamizhan 2.0 , Film Roll , mr. hollywood ,Mr.Tamilan ,Mr.vendaka 2.0,Restricted Area tamil,Rathiri Rajangam hollywood story Review & Explantion in Tamil We explained story in tamil , and Tamil story explanation of hollywood movies , Story explained in tamil like Mr. tamizhan 2.0 , Film Roll , mr. hollywood ,Mr.Tamilan ,Mr.vendaka 2.0,Restricted Area tamil,Rathiri Rajangam
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