The World we lived in. Episode 1. (Film dubbed into English. Сlass struggle for everyone)

The World we lived in. Episode 1. (Film dubbed into English. Сlass struggle for everyone)
The World we lived in. Episode 1. (Film dubbed into English. Сlass struggle for everyone)

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2222 year. Earth. 51 years ago the last capitalist state ceased to exist in the world. A communist society is being built on the planet. A new chapter is being written in the history of mankind. Professor Thomas Miller leads a series of popular science lectures on history on his social media channel. He talks about the difficulties that humanity faced at the beginning of the 21st century, talks about the capitalist society of that time and asks the question: “Why, despite all the scientific and technological progress, that people had at their disposal, humanity could not overcome poverty, unemployment, wars and other socio-economic problems of that era?

With fervent international greetings, comrades! distribute the film wherever you can. Send it to your friends and acquaintances, leaders of public opinion. We did everything to make our film useful in destroying capitalist prejudices anywhere in the world!

The film is created for everyone, distribute it freely in any form!
The basics of Marxism and class struggle for everyone.
The film is dubbed into English.

If you liked our movie and you want to support the release of its sequel, support us on Boosty!

Comrades, distribute the film freely by any means! Capitalism will be broken, progress will not be stopped!

To be or not to be the second part of the film is up to you.
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Download Movie The World we lived in. Episode 1. (Film dubbed into English. Сlass struggle for everyone)

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stop  texting them ??| sad status | broken status | English songs | fake tweet

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TV9 Bharatvarsh LIVE | Russia Vs Ukraine War | PM Modi Road Show | Agneepath Scheme Protest

TV9 Bharatvarsh LIVE | Russia Vs Ukraine War | PM Modi Road Show | Agneepath Scheme Protest
TV9 Bharatvarsh LIVE | Russia Vs Ukraine War | PM Modi Road Show | Agneepath Scheme Protest

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TV9 Network Presents- What India Thinks Today Global Summit
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हिंदुस्तान का नंबर वन न्यूज़ चैनल TV9 भारतवर्ष 17 से 18 जून 2022 को ग्लोबल समिट आयोजित करा रहा है. समिट का विषय है ‘What India Thinks Today’. यह समिट ताज पैलेस, नई दिल्ली में होगा. इसकी अगुवाई TV9 नेटवर्क के सीईओ बरुन दास करेंगे. ‘भारत विश्व गुरु बनने से कितना नजदीक कितना दूर?’ विषय पर चर्चा करने के लिए इस समिट में चार मुद्दों पर चर्चा होगी. पहला पॉलिटिक्स और गवर्नेंस, दूसरा व्यापार और 5 ट्रिलियन अर्थव्यवस्था, तीसरा सामाजिक समरसता-स्वास्थ्य सेवा और चौथा खेल और सिनेमा. इन तमाम मुद्दों पर इन क्षेत्रों से जुड़े देश-विदेश की तमाम हस्तियां चर्चा करेंगी. TV9 भारतवर्ष भारत का अब तक का सबसे बड़ा ग्लोबल फेस्ट ऑर्गेनाइज करने जा रहा है. जिसमें 20 की-नोट्स, 30 सेशन, 75 स्पीकर और 20 थीम्स होंगे.

Agneepath Scheme Latest News in Hindi

सेना में केंद्र सरकार की अग्निपथ योजना (Agneepath scheme) के खिलाफ लगातार विरोध प्रदर्शन बढ़तार जा रहा है. बिहार के कई शहरों में प्रदर्शन किया जा रहा है. इसके अलावा राजस्थान, बिहार, झारखंड, और उत्तर प्रदेश में भी विरोध के सुर पनपे हैं. वहीं, बिहार के जहानाबाद, बक्सर और नवादा में ट्रेन रोकी गई हैं और मुंगेर, छपरा में आगजनी के बाद जमकर प्रदर्शन हुआ है. जहानाबाद में छात्रों ने गया-पटना रेलवे ट्रैक को जाम कर दिया है और सड़कों पर टायर जलाकर प्रदर्शन कर रहे हैं. जहानाबाद स्टेशन पर प्रदर्शनकारियों ने पटना-गया मेमू सवारी गाड़ी को रोक दिया.

उत्तर प्रदेश में उपद्रव

बीते शुक्रवार को उत्तर प्रदेश (Uttar Pradesh) में जुमे की नमाज के बाद हुए उपद्रव को देखते हुए इस बार प्रशासन और पुलिस दोनों ही अलर्ट पर हैं. इस बार शुक्रवार (Friday Namaz) को होने वाली नमाज से पहले राज्य के 24 जिलों को कानून-व्यवस्था के हिसाब से अतिसंवेदनशील (Hyper-Sensitive) बताया गया है. जिन 24 शहरों को संवेदनशील बताया गया है उसमें लखनऊ, कानपुर, प्रयागराज, आगरा, मऊ, संभल, मेरठ, अंबेडकरनगर, बहराइच, गोंडा और सहारनपुर शामिल हैं. इस बार को हिंसा ना हो इसलिए जुमे की नमाज के दौरान और बाद में आरएएफ और पीएसी को इन जिलों में भेजा जाएगा. एडीजी कानून व्यवस्था के निदेशक प्रशांत कुमार ने कहा है कि युवाओं से बातचीत की जाएगी. उन्हे कहा जाएगा कि वो लोगों को समझाएं ताकि इस तरह की हिंसा ना हो.

कोरोना वायरस संक्रमण में इजाफा

देश में कोरोना वायरस (Coronavirus Data) के दैनिक मामलों में फिर इजाफा देखने को मिल रहा है. गुरुवार को सामने आए ताजा आंकड़ों के अनुसार, एक दिन के भीतर 12,213 नए मामले दर्ज किए गए हैं. अब दैनिक पॉजिटिविटी दर 2.35 फीसदी हो गई है. बीते 24 घंटे में 7,624 रिकवरी दर्ज हुई हैं और अब सक्रिय मामले 58,215 हैं. कई राज्यों में संक्रमण (Covid Rate in Indian States) दर बढ़ी है. खासतौर पर महाराष्ट्र में, जहां एक ही दिन में मामले 36 फीसदी बढ़कर 4024 हो गए हैं. बीती रात तक बुधवार को भारत में 8641 मामले सामने आए थे, लेकिन कुछ राज्यों से आंकडे़ मिलने का इंतजार किया जा रहा था.

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The Narrow Bridge (2022) | Ukraine War Movie | English Subtitled | Full Movie

The Narrow Bridge (2022) | Ukraine War Movie | English Subtitled | Full Movie
The Narrow Bridge (2022) | Ukraine War Movie | English Subtitled | Full Movie

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At the heart of the film is the story of a young and talented artist named Kiril who is caught between the Russian-Ukrainian war. His fate persistently puts a weapon in his hand instead of a brush, demanding from him the life of a warrior, not a painter.

Download Movie The Narrow Bridge (2022) | Ukraine War Movie | English Subtitled | Full Movie

THE 13th FRIDAY Hollywood Tamil Dubbed Movie | Horror Tamil Dubbed | Hollywood Sci Fi Horror Movies

THE 13th FRIDAY Hollywood Tamil Dubbed Movie | Horror Tamil Dubbed | Hollywood Sci Fi Horror Movies
THE 13th FRIDAY Hollywood Tamil Dubbed Movie | Horror Tamil Dubbed | Hollywood Sci Fi Horror Movies

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A woman discovers an ancient demonic device capable of opening a gateway to another realm. A dark entity crosses through the gateway and begins posing as the woman’s daughter.

Movie name :- 13th Friday, The
Stars :- Lisa MayDeanna Grace CongoJose Zuniga
Director :- Jamaal Burden
Genres :- Horror/Thriller
Release Date :- 10 January 2017
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Ukraine Russia War News Hindi Live Today | Latest News On Ukraine | | TV9 Bharatvarsh LIVE

Ukraine Russia War News Hindi Live Today | Latest News On Ukraine | | TV9 Bharatvarsh LIVE
Ukraine Russia War News Hindi Live Today | Latest News On Ukraine | | TV9 Bharatvarsh LIVE

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Russia-Ukraine War LIVE: Russian forces capture 400 Ukrainians in Kherson | Russia-Ukraine Conflict Live News; russia, ukraine, Russia Ukraine Crisis, Russia Ukraine, Ukraine Crisis Live, Ukraine today, Ukraine crisis today

Russia-Ukraine war live updates: Top Russia, Ukraine diplomats begin talks in Turkey

Officials from Kyiv and Moscow have held several rounds of discussions in Belarus, but the meeting in the southern city of Antalya represents the first time Russia has sent a minister for talks on the crisis.

TV9 भारतवर्ष संवाददाता अभिषेक उपाध्याय और वीडियो जर्नलिस्ट चेतन शर्मा की जांबाज रिपोर्टिंग
रूस ने यूक्रेन में बारूद बरसाया..विश्वयुद्ध पास आया?
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Russian President Vladimir Putin sets conditions to end Moscow's invasion in Ukraine | English News

Russian President Vladimir Putin sets conditions to end Moscow's invasion in Ukraine | English News
Russian President Vladimir Putin sets conditions to end Moscow's invasion in Ukraine | English News

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Russian President Vladimir Putin has once again set conditions for endling Moscow’s invasion in Ukraine. Kremlin has announced that Russia will only halt its military operation if Ukraine stops fighting and Moscow’s demands are met.

#Russia #Ukraine #VladimirPutin

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WION -The World is One News, examines global issues with in-depth analysis. We provide much more than the news of the day. Our aim to empower people to explore their world. With our Global headquarters in New Delhi, we bring you news on the hour, by the hour. We deliver information that is not biased. We are journalists who are neutral to the core and non-partisan when it comes to the politics of the world. People are tired of biased reportage and we stand for a globalised united world. So for us the World is truly One.

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Me and My Father Bonding On Ukraine – Russia War | Satish Ray Funny #Shorts | Shubham Gaur

Me and My Father Bonding On Ukraine – Russia War | Satish Ray Funny #Shorts | Shubham Gaur
Me and My Father Bonding On Ukraine – Russia War | Satish Ray Funny #Shorts | Shubham Gaur

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My father and I discussing Ukraine and Russia war. But things go wrong.

Russia invasion in Ukraine. Putin.

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#comedy #satishray #ukraine #russia

Russia-Ukraine Conflict Live Updates | Ukraine under attack | World Latest English News | WION

Russia-Ukraine Conflict Live Updates | Ukraine under attack | World Latest English News | WION
Russia-Ukraine Conflict Live Updates | Ukraine under attack | World Latest English News | WION

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Russia-Ukraine Conflict Live Updates | Ukraine under attack | World Latest English News | WION

#WIONLiveBroadcast #WIONLive #EnglishNews

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WION -The World is One News, examines global issues with in-depth analysis. We provide much more than the news of the day. Our aim to empower people to explore their world. With our Global headquarters in New Delhi, we bring you news on the hour, by the hour. We deliver information that is not biased. We are journalists who are neutral to the core and non-partisan when it comes to the politics of the world. People are tired of biased reportage and we stand for a globalised united world. So for us the World is truly One.

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Btown -Maan Khambra| Hycandy Media |Anadi Mishra| Latest Punjabi Songs 2022 | New Punjabi Songs 2022

Btown -Maan Khambra| Hycandy Media |Anadi Mishra| Latest Punjabi Songs 2022 | New Punjabi Songs 2022
Btown -Maan Khambra| Hycandy Media |Anadi Mishra| Latest Punjabi Songs 2022 | New Punjabi Songs 2022

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Video : hycandymedia
Director/Dop/Editor : AnuragShergill
Label :Khambra Music
Special Thanks : Archinder Singh,Chandan Maan,Raghav Bansal
Online Promotion : Coin Digital

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'We will defend ourselves', says Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy

'We will defend ourselves', says Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy
'We will defend ourselves', says Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy

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Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelenskiy has given a powerful address directed to Russia. ‘We will defend ourselves, he said.
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‘Not attack, but defend ourselves. And when you attack us, you will see our faces, not our backs, but our faces.’ Zelenskiy made the remarks in a 10-minute address posted on Telegram during which he spoke in both Ukrainian and Russian. The Ukrainian leader said Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, had not replied to his invitation to hold talks

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#ukraine #russia #ukrainewar

Russia-Ukraine War Live Updates: Ukraine Under Attack | Russia-Ukraine War Live News | WION Live

Russia-Ukraine War Live Updates: Ukraine Under Attack | Russia-Ukraine War Live News | WION Live
Russia-Ukraine War Live Updates: Ukraine Under Attack | Russia-Ukraine War Live News | WION Live

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Russia-Ukraine War Live Updates: Ukraine Under Attack | Russia-Ukraine War Live News | WION Live

#RussiaUkraineWar #RussiaInvadesUkraine #RussiaDeclaresWarOnUkraine

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