Tange Sazen: The Million Ryo Pot | action movie | Full movie | English subtitles

Tange Sazen: The Million Ryo Pot | action movie |  Full movie | English subtitles
Tange Sazen: The Million Ryo Pot | action movie |  Full movie | English subtitles

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Samasuke (Tatsuya Nakadai) living in Souma Nakamura Han was ordered by Karo to murder Kogi Onmitsu (Ninja sent by Bakuhu) who was infiltrating. However, he was taken aback. He not only lost his right arm, but also his eyes were scared and dropped into a river. 3 years later, he changed his name to Sazen, and has lived in Edo. For some reasons, he got involved in a conflict between Kogi and Kiryu Han over “Kokezaru no Tsubo” which strages 1 million ryo (currency)…

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Download Movie Tange Sazen: The Million Ryo Pot | action movie | Full movie | English subtitles

Zankuro Season1 # 4 | samurai action drama | Full movie | English subtitles

Zankuro Season1 # 4 | samurai action drama | Full movie | English subtitles
Zankuro Season1 # 4 | samurai action drama | Full movie | English subtitles

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A masterpiece of young Ken Watanabe. Samurai entertainment with action, pathos, and humor in the exotic visual beauty.

Despite being from a noble family, Zankuro Matsudaira (Ken Watanabe) is a gokenin (shogunal retainer) of the lowest rank with no role and a small payment. He is a famous playboy, but on the other hand, he is a sharp and stylish samurai, being an expert in swordsmanship. He supports his gluttonous mother’s food expenses by succeeding with his swordsmanship as a side job.

Will he be able to maintain his pride as a noble family? Watch the full video to find out!

#samuraivsninja #zankuro #fullmovie #kenwatanabe #japanhistory #samurai #ninja

Download Movie Zankuro Season1 # 4 | samurai action drama | Full movie | English subtitles