The film Major is winning hearts for his emotional and impactful celebration of the life of the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks martyr, NSG Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan, and recently the lead cast of the film, Adivi Sesh, Saiee M Manjrekar and Sobhita Diulipala indulged in a conversation with Bollywood Bubble Host Nayandeep Rakshit. The team spoke about what makes the film special, unique and not just an event-based film, along with talking about rejections they faced in their love lives and career. They also opened up about cinema being used as a divisive platform between Bollywood and South while reacting to Mahesh Babu’s comment of Bollywood not being able to afford him. Catch the entire stimulating conversation here.
#AdiviSesh #SaieeMManjrekar #SobhitaDiulipala #Major #BollywoodBubble
Check out the video to know more.
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Download Movie Adivi Sesh, Saiee & Sobhita on rejections, Mahesh Babu's Bollywood comment, South vs North | Major