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STARRING : Meet Surmeet, Rammi Mittal, Diljot Darshan Aulakh, Kake Shah, Amritpal Billa, Amritpal Chotu,Gunjeet, Alisha, Suman, & Above All Rama Vij In a Special Appearence
Produced By : Yashraj Mittal Films & Captab Entertainments
Directed By : Anandd
Story/Screenplay/Diolouges : Prof.P. S. Nirola
D.O.P : Ashok Behl
Editor : Satish Handa & Mukesh Timori
Music : Jassi Bros, Milind Gaba & Sanjeev Chauhan
Lyrics : Meet Surmeet, Channi Rakhala, Ashok Mastie, Viniod, Amrinder Bobb, Lakhy Bhawanigah
Singers : Ashok Masti, Saleem, Aliyaa, Ajmani, Amrinder Bobby,, Jaspinder Narula & Meet Surmeet
Choreogropher : Bunty, Jot, Narinder
Background Music: Surender Singh Sodhi
Costume Designer : Sukhwinder Aulakh
Publicity Designs : Frames In Action
Music / Digital : Catrack
Music Available On iTunes –
This Punjabi Family Comedy Movie from India, IDIOT BOYS, takes us through light and emotional moments and shows how good-hearted guys under the wrong influences lose direction and end up doing idiotic things they would not have done in the first place.
Meet Surmeet and Gaurav Goyal (GG) are sons of two contesting politicians. Even though they are way past their student age, they are still enrolled in their area’s biggest professional college to gather votes for their parents.
Election fever is on,ÂÂ and Surmeet and GG are campaigning against each other. In the meantime, both see Mahi (an N.R.I. girl from Canada who is studying Law in the same college) and get smitten by her.
Surmeet and GG try to woo Mahi in their own silly ways but she does not take their advances seriously. Instead, she interacts with them as classmates in today’s age would. Surmeet and GG consider Mahi’s interaction as an advance towards them and think that Mahi is interested in having a relationship.
At a party, both Surmeet and GG approach Mahi and cross the level of decency with her. Mahi rebukes both in public, leaving them feeling insulted and frustrated. Meanwhile, both Surmeet’s and GG’s parents lose the elections and they now unite to “teach Mahi a lesson”.
Surmeet and Gaurav are not bad by heart but taking wrong advice from others and under bad influences do things that put their and Mahi’s life on a roller coaster ride.
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