Gym WhatsApp Status | Mirza Talha Fitness | Motivation

Gym WhatsApp Status | Mirza Talha Fitness | Motivation
Gym WhatsApp Status | Mirza Talha Fitness | Motivation

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Gym WhatsApp Status | Mirza Talha Fitness | Motivation

-“If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.”

-“Once you are exercising regularly, the hardest thing is to stop it.”

Intense Series Complete Workouts

Intense Series | Day 5 | Killing Abs

Intense Series | Day 4 | Boulder Shoulders

Intense Series | Day 3 | Blaster Arms

Intense Series | Day 2 | Brutal Back

Intense Series | Day1 | Chest + Traps ??

Push Day Totally Explained:

Pull Day Totally Explained:

Leg Day Totally Explained:

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