【ENG】82 Warriors | War Movie | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB

【ENG】82 Warriors | War Movie | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB
【ENG】82 Warriors | War Movie | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB

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【Chinese Name】刘老庄八十二壮士
【Starring】赵毅 Zhao Yi / 刘鉴 Liu Jian / 白雨 Bai Yu
【Synopsis】On March 18, 1943, 82 warriors from the 4th Company of the 19th Regiment, 7th Brigade, 3rd Division of the New Fourth Army, in a blocking battle in Liulaozhuang, Huaiyin, Jiangsu Province, in order to cover the safe transfer of the main force and the party and government organs, as a force The disparately weaker side fought tenaciously against more than 10 attacks by the Japanese army of more than 1,000 people. Although all 82 commanders and fighters sacrificed heroically, the Japanese army killed more than 170 and wounded more than 200 in exchange for huge results. There are no mountains and hills, no forests and swamps, no tall buildings to block, and the enemy’s forces and weapons and equipment were asymmetrically engaged in combat. The four companies blocked the Japanese army for more than 10 hours, successfully covered the safe transfer of the people of Liulaozhuang, and bought time for the strategic maneuvers of the leadership of the New Fourth Army, the main force and the local anti-Japanese democratic regime.
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Download Movie 【ENG】82 Warriors | War Movie | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB