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【ENG】COSTUME ACTION | Bloody Dragon 1 | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB
【ENG】COSTUME ACTION | Bloody Dragon 1 | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB

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【Synopsis】Bloody Dragon 1- Get Rid of the Villains of Shijia Village
Shi Jin, the master of Shijiazhuang Shaozhuang, is a righteous person and loves to practice martial arts. He has worshipped seven masters, and every time he worships a master, he will get a green dragon tattooed on his body. Shi Jin’s father was afraid that he would cause trouble, so he helped him find a job as an inspector. Unexpectedly, Shi Jin was performing the task, but he failed to see his father for the last time before his death. Instead, he had a bad relationship with Chen Da in Shaohua Mountain on the way back. Set a date for the battle.
When his father died, Shi Jin made an appointment to fight Yang Chun in Shaohua Mountain, but he did not win. In the midst of depression, there was friction with rogue Li Ji, but fortunately Ou Tianpeng appeared and relieved Shi Jin. Ou Tianpeng became Shi Jin’s eighth master logically because of his martial arts skills.
Shi Jin once again made an appointment to fight Shaohua Mountain. Under the guidance of Ou Tianpeng, he practiced the martial arts of the evil sect. Unexpectedly, he again drew with Yang Chun. After a few stops, the two became friends.
On the other hand, the scoundrel Li Ji’s sister Li Moli was insulted. Li Ji instructed Shi Jin to have a good heart, so he went to make trouble and wanted to steal money. This move was targeted by Ou Tianpeng.
It turns out that Ou Tianpeng is a famous villain who specializes in teaching martial arts to the son of a wealthy family, waiting for an opportunity to get the other party’s wealth. But behind the mantis catching the cicada oriole, Ou Tianpeng’s actions were discovered by Shi Jin’s boss Hu Li, Hu Li just used Ou Tianpeng’s actions to deal with Shi Jin, in order to achieve the final purpose of dealing with Shaohua Mountain.
So Li Moli and Li Ji died one after another, and Li Ji’s death was framed on Shi Jin. When Shi Jin went to prison, the people from Shaohuashan learned and came to rescue him.
Hu Li has already opened a big net to catch all the people in Shaohua Mountain.
Unexpectedly, the appearance of Wang Jin disrupted Hu Li’s deployment. It turned out that among the Zhuangkes that Shi Jin took in, there were actually the former 800,000 trainers of the forbidden army. Wang Jin rescued Shi Jin and taught him martial arts.
Shi Jin had the last blue dragon tattooed on his body, carrying a blue dragon stick on his back, and went to rescue Yang Chun and the others.
The road of revenge is extremely difficult. Shi Jin killed Hu Li and completed his own redemption and growth.

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