【ENG】COSTUME ACTION | An Amorous Swordsman | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB

【ENG】COSTUME ACTION | An Amorous Swordsman | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB
【ENG】COSTUME ACTION | An Amorous Swordsman | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB

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【Synopsis】In an era when martial arts was at its peak, Qiao Jinfeng, whose character was unsatisfactory, was the apprentice of the fifth-generation owner of Qianyang Villa. Because the owner did not pass on the “hidden sword style” of the martial arts master to him, he made a plan to kill his younger brother Shen Yushan. He committed suicide, and immediately, in order to obtain the “hidden sword style”, Qiao Jinfeng began to hunt down and kill Shen Qiubai, a junior sister who had a sword score.
#乾阳侠曲#AnAmorousSwordsman#ChinaMovieChannelENGLISH #Chinesemovie

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【ENG】COSTUME ACTION | Avengement | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB

【ENG】COSTUME ACTION | Avengement | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB
【ENG】COSTUME ACTION | Avengement | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB

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【Synopsis】During the Chenghua period of Ming Dynasty, at the beginning of the establishment of the West Factory, it was arrogant and arrogant, and wanted to recruit the forces of the rivers and lakes to serve it. The Hu Jiada Bank in Shaanxi was also recaptured. Escort Moutong was reluctant to succumb to Xichang, but he knew too many secrets. Boss Hu killed Moutong and destroyed the Mu family. The youngest son, Mu Xiaobai, blinded Boss Hu in the eye and barely escaped. Mu Xiaobai worshiped his teacher, Aunt Xiao, and gave him a name for virtue, and he took righteousness and repaid his grievances with virtue. Yi De grew up and developed an extraordinary skill. Usually, as a turtle fairy, he robbed the rich and helped the poor, and distributed the stolen property to the poor until the government was robbed, which alerted Xichang.
#绝战香炉寺#Avengement#ChinaMovieChannelENGLISH #Chinesemovie

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【ENG】ACTION MOVIE | Longtan Canyon Treasures | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB

【ENG】ACTION MOVIE | Longtan Canyon Treasures | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB
【ENG】ACTION MOVIE | Longtan Canyon Treasures | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB

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#龙潭夺宝#ChinaMovieChannelENGLISH #Chinesemovie
The film tells that the old museum of Jianchang County in western Liaoning is holding an exhibition of Xinjiang jade and cultural relics. A piece of jade and the “Loulan female corpse” were stolen, which alerted the police to search the city for thieves to recover the cultural relics. Curator Wu, Dapeng, the police and the cultural relics dealers fought and finally won.

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Download Movie 【ENG】ACTION MOVIE | Longtan Canyon Treasures | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB

CHINESE DRAMA | Zhu Yuanzhang | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB

CHINESE DRAMA | Zhu Yuanzhang | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB
CHINESE DRAMA | Zhu Yuanzhang | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB

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#少年朱元璋#ChinaMovieChannelENGLISH #Chinesemovie
This film tells about the bitter journey of a generation of beggar emperor Zhu Yuanzhang in the late Yuan Dynasty, when the Yuan rule was declining day by day. No matter whether it is being harassed by the landlord and young master or being wronged, even when his parents died tragically due to starvation. Zhu Yuanzhang never compromised his life and bravely faced all hardships.

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【ENG】COSTUME ACTION | The Imperial Guards- Rising Guard | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB

【ENG】COSTUME ACTION | The Imperial Guards- Rising Guard | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB
【ENG】COSTUME ACTION | The Imperial Guards- Rising Guard | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB

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#锦衣卫之初露锋芒#TheImperialGuardsRisingGuard#ChinaMovieChannelENGLISH #Chinesemovie
In the eighth year of Zhengde, a mysterious person codenamed Prince Long appeared in the rivers and lakes, and drew up an assassination list that subverted the government and the opposition. The list included all the important royalist officials. Chongming, the descendant of the iron-handed flying eagle, entered the arena at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, and was entrusted by the Jinyiwei Lord Shen to protect the Yuan Lord, who held the military power, and started a legendary journey of blood and blood.

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Download Movie 【ENG】COSTUME ACTION | The Imperial Guards- Rising Guard | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB

COSTUME ACTION | Bloody Dragon 3 | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB

COSTUME ACTION | Bloody Dragon 3 | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB
COSTUME ACTION | Bloody Dragon 3 | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB

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#九纹龙史进之扬威华州#BloodyDragon3#ChinaMovieChannelENGLISH #Chinesemovie
Shi Jin is entrenched in Shaohua Mountain, hoping to make a contribution to Liangshan. In order to save the daughter of Wang Yi’s studio, who was seized by the Prefect He, he sneaked into the Prefect’s Mansion and got involved with Lu Zhishen, who assassinated Prefect He. In order to save Lu Zhishen, Shi Jin broke out of the siege and deceived the Prefect He by pretending to be Taiwei Su to enter Huazhou to save people, and successfully rescued his brother.

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Download Movie COSTUME ACTION | Bloody Dragon 3 | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB

COSTUME COMEDY | Donkey Magistrate –I Bet | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB

COSTUME COMEDY | Donkey Magistrate –I Bet | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB
COSTUME COMEDY | Donkey Magistrate –I Bet | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB

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#毛驴县令之赌命考官#DonkeyMagistrateIBet#ChinaMovieChannelENGLISH #Chinesemovie
The film mainly tells the story of Wu Siliu’ s visit to Beijing to expose the cheating cases in exams. Unexpectedly, he provoked nine prefects, Akzhan, and was coerced by him. Ma Cuigu received donations from the orphanage at the birthday party, and her affection for Akzhan rose. Wu Liu passed the re-written test, identified the cheater, and traced it to Akzhan’s head soon.

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Download Movie COSTUME COMEDY | Donkey Magistrate –I Bet | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB

【ENG】NEW ACTION MOVIE | The Fox | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB

【ENG】NEW ACTION MOVIE | The Fox | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB
【ENG】NEW ACTION MOVIE | The Fox | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB

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#狐踪谍影#TheFox#ChinaMovieChannelENGLISH #Chinesemovie
The Fox Shadow is adapted from Wang Jianxing’s popular novel of the same name, and the original book won the Golden Shield Literature Award. It’s about the daughter of the chairman of a Chinese company in an overseas country who was kidnapped and asked for a huge ransom. Xiao Jian, the company’s security captain and veteran, helped Motel, the police officer of the country, to eliminate terrorists and rescue his compatriots through hardships to make up for his dereliction of duty and safeguard the dignity of the Chinese people.

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Two Swords Together | Action Movie | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB

Two Swords Together | Action Movie | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB
Two Swords Together | Action Movie | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB

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#双剑合璧#TwoSwordsTogether#ChinaMovieChannelENGLISH #Chinesemovie

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Kungfu Detective Mysterious Urban | Costume Action Series | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB

Kungfu Detective Mysterious Urban | Costume Action Series | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB
Kungfu Detective Mysterious Urban | Costume Action Series | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB

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#侠义神捕之边城迷案#KungfuDetectiveMysteriousUrban#ChinaMovieChannelENGLISH #Chinesemovie

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Ms.Bodyguards:The IT Manic | Action Movie | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB

Ms.Bodyguards:The IT Manic | Action Movie | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB
Ms.Bodyguards:The IT Manic | Action Movie | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB

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#丽人保镖之IT狂人#MsBodyguardsTheITManic#ChinaMovieChannelENGLISH #Chinesemovie

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Convoyer | Action Movie | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB

Convoyer | Action Movie | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB
Convoyer | Action Movie | China Movie Channel ENGLISH | ENGSUB

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#浴血护镖#Convoyer#ChinaMovieChannelENGLISH #Chinesemovie

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