Bablu (Shah Rukh Khan) an aspiring chef, works in a hotel where Sonia Kapoor(Juhi) works with him as banquet manager at the restaurant. His look-alike Manu (Shah Rukh Khan), a gangster, robs a bank along with his friend (Gulshan Grover) but gets caught. He comes out of prison and discovers that his cohort has double-crossed him. He murders his partner and escapes from the scene of the crime…without the money. Bablu stumbles on the money and keeps it. Manu’s lover Lily (Sonali Bendre) mistakes Bablu to be Manu and spirits him away. Manu takes shelter in Bablu’s house and realizes that he can use their resemblance to his advantage.Then starts the fun-ride with Babloo constantly being mistaken for Manu. With both Sonia and Lily after him, the Law thinking him to be Manu, Babloo faces a tough time. And then, Manu kidnaps Bibi (Farida Jalal), Babloo’s mother and holds her hostage.
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