People kept reminding me. They were like, What was I doing on my 21st birthday? I was in Vegas getting drunk. You're actually walking the red carpet. You're hanging out with Patrick Stewart. Not everybody does that.'


People kept reminding me. They were like, What was I doing on my 21st birthday? I was in Vegas getting drunk. You’re actually walking the red carpet. You’re hanging out with Patrick Stewart. Not everybody does that.’


Towards the tail end of primary school, I was pulled aside by my headteacher and told I was joining a scheme for 'gifted and talented' children, that would run from my 10th birthday until I was 16.


Towards the tail end of primary school, I was pulled aside by my headteacher and told I was joining a scheme for ‘gifted and talented’ children, that would run from my 10th birthday until I was 16.
