Synopsis: Kamla (Padmini) is separated from her parents at a young age due to a train accident. She subsequently learns that her parents have been killed. Devastated, she and her blind sister, Padma (Baby Naaz) return home to find that it is no longer their’s. They decide to re-locate to the city, where Kamla is able to survive by using her talent – dancing. She meets with Mohan (Sunil Dutt) and both fall in love. Mohan assists her to get treatment for her sister, and also Mohan wants to marry her, and with the approval of his family, he does so. Then Mohan’s family finds out that Kamla has a past – a secret so embarassing that it may threaten her marriage and family.
Starcast: Sunil Dutt, Padmini, Baby Naaz, David,Ragini,Bipin Gupta, Raj Mehra, Achla Sachdev, Meenu Mumtaz, Sheroz, Laxman Rao, Agha
Producer – Joseph Thomas, Director – Joseph Taliath Jr. Music – Anand Milind, Lyricist: Rajindra Krishnanew movies out to buy,movies out to buy,buy new movies,www usa movie,buy movies,where can i buy movies near me,free movies to watch online,movie downloader,free movies to watch,a movie website,watch movies for free
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