Countries that need monies so that they can provide health care and education and shelter to their people shouldn't have to repay debts that we knowingly lent to bad regimes long since gone; and all illegitimate debts – debts lent to these terrible dictators like Saddam Hussein, like Suharto, like Marcos – must also be canceled.


Countries that need monies so that they can provide health care and education and shelter to their people shouldn’t have to repay debts that we knowingly lent to bad regimes long since gone; and all illegitimate debts – debts lent to these terrible dictators like Saddam Hussein, like Suharto, like Marcos – must also be canceled.


Goodwill and reputation are intangibles, but they are the keys to business success. Since they are also inexorably linked to social values, it follows that a change in social norms will have a significant impact on profits.


Goodwill and reputation are intangibles, but they are the keys to business success. Since they are also inexorably linked to social values, it follows that a change in social norms will have a significant impact on profits.
