【Chinese Name】海鹰战警
【Starring】牟凤彬 Mou Fengbin / 张一 Zhang Yi / 王玉璋 Wang Yuzhang
【Synopsis】In the early morning of March 17, 1999, when the Panamanian cargo ship “Master of the Sea” of Taiwan Ba Shang Expressway Investment passed through the Andaman Sea, the Burmese pirate leader Mang Taiang, together with 13 gunmen, hijacked the cargo ship, and put 21 crew members of the cargo ship on nine inflatable rafts to let them drift on the sea. Later, the cargo ship “Master of the Sea” was forced to stop at the port of Gulf of Tonkin for repair due to failure. The various departments of the Public Security, Procuratorate, and Law Department in China responded quickly. The investigation team, represented by the captain of the Criminal Investigation Detachment, Hao Jianfei, and prosecutor Wei Yanzi, teamed up with the International Criminal Police, Tumi, to engage in a life and death battle with criminals across borders.
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