Teji Grewal: Jaan Vardi (Music Video) | Sruishty Mann | Latest Punjabi Song 2023 | Punjabi Beat Song

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And in her smile, he saw something more beautiful than stars !!
Watch the official music video of New Punjabi Song 2023 Jaan Vardi starring Teji Grewal and queen of hearts Sruishty Mann.

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Song Credits:
Title: Jaan Vardi
Singer: Teji Grewal
Female Lead: Sruishty Mann
Lyrics & Composition: Rony Anjali & Gill Machhrai
Music: Diamond
Label: Saga Music
Digitally Managed By: Unisys Infosolutions

Video Credits:
Director: Groovy
Production: Ravi Isru
Dop: Sagar Rathour
Edit / Di: Yatin Arora
Choreographer: Sumit Kumar
Makeup: Gautam Makeover
Costume Designer: Arzoo
Presentation: Rinku Khaira

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Download Video and Mp3 Song Teji Grewal: Jaan Vardi (Music Video) | Sruishty Mann | Latest Punjabi Song 2023 | Punjabi Beat Song

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