Netanyahu is dying of fear ?? Ayatollah Khamenei Attitude Status | Israel will not see next 25 years

Netanyahu is dying of fear ?? Ayatollah Khamenei Attitude Status | Israel will not see next 25 years

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Israel is being destroyed ☠? Ayatollah Khamenei Attitude Status | Power of Iran | نابودی اسرائیل

Israel is being destroyed ☠? Ayatollah Khamenei Attitude Status | Power of Iran | نابودی اسرائیل

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● H A S H T A G S :
#khamenei #khamenei_ir #rahbar #rehber #rehberi #imamkhamenei #ayatollahkhamenei #alikhamenei #leader #supremeleader #israel #israelvsiran #iranvsisrael #destruction #collapse #latest #protests #israelprotests #netanyahu #benjaminnetanyahu #رهبر_انقلاب #ره‏بر #خامنه_ای #امام_خامنه_ای #آیت_الله_خامنه_ای #سید_علی_خامنه_ای #سید_خراسانی #رهبری #اسرائیل #ایران