O Children of Israel | @alwaseemy | #quranrecitation #تلاوات #quran

O Children of Israel | @alwaseemy  | #quranrecitation #تلاوات #quran

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💕Surah Al Baqarah Ayah 40 Full Recitation💕


Recite along with me, Ayah 40 of Surah Al Baqarah, a beautiful verse from the Holy Quran. 🌿💚In this ayah Allah(swt) tells us how He (swt) took care of them by warning them again and again but they never listened the word of Allah (swt).

This heart-touching recitation is meant to bring peace, comfort, and guidance to your life. 🌸🕊️

Please like, share, and subscribe to my channel ALWASEEMY (@alwaseemy) for more Quranic recitations and Islamic content! 📚👍

Video edited using InShot app and audio edited using BandLab app. 📹🎤

Regards & Wassalam🌻❣️👋

#QuranRecitation #تلاوات
#QuranTafsir #قرآن

Quranic recitation
Islamic content
Muslim inspiration
Quran Tafsir
Islamic lifestyle
Muslim youth empowerment
Quranic dua
Islamic knowledge
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