WARRIORS OF HEAVEN AND EARTH | Hollywood Movie Hindi Dubbed | Action Movie | Sony Pictures

WARRIORS OF HEAVEN AND EARTH | Hollywood Movie Hindi Dubbed | Action Movie | Sony Pictures

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Presenting hindi dubbed full movie Warriors Of Heaven And Earth (वॉरियर्स ऑफ हेवेन एंड अर्थ), a captivating film — Action, Adventure movie — dubbed in Hindi, exclusively on our channel! मज़ा ले इस मूवी का और हमें comments में बताए कि यह movie आपको कैसी लगी।

👋 Two enemies interrupt their fight to protect a caravan transporting a Buddhist monk and a valuable treasure.

WARRIORS OF HEAVEN AND EARTH | वॉरियर्स ऑफ हेवेन एंड अर्थ | Hollywood Movie Hindi Dubbed | Action Movie | Hollywood Movie in Hindi | Sony Pictures


Chinese filmmaker He Ping weaves a tale of battle, comradeship, and honour as he re-creates China’s own 7th-century “wild west” on the Silk Road in the high Asian plains. Japanese emissary Lai Xi (Kiichi Nakai) is sent to the Gobi Desert to execute a renegade soldier, Lt. Li (Wen Jiang). Their battle is interrupted, however, when they agree to delay their final personal fight until a caravan carrying Wen Zhu (Vicki Zhao) and a Buddhist monk is brought to safety. The monk, however, is transporting a sacred and powerful pagoda that attracts the attention of the region’s ruthless overlord, Master An (Xueqi Wang). Lai Xi and Lt. Li must face the cruelty of the desert, the region’s barbaric bandits, and the brutality of the overlord’s men before they can finally confront each other.

⦿ Director: He Ping
⦿ Cast: Kiichi Nakai, Jiang Wen

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Download Movie WARRIORS OF HEAVEN AND EARTH | Hollywood Movie Hindi Dubbed | Action Movie | Sony Pictures