Jaan Ban Gaye x Dil Ka Daryia 💖 – Slowed and Reverb | Pubg Edit 💯 | BY AHMAD EDITZ

Jaan Ban Gaye x Dil Ka Daryia 💖 – Slowed and Reverb | Pubg Edit 💯 | BY AHMAD EDITZ

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Jaan Ban Gaye x Dil Ka Daryia 💖 – Slowed and Reverb | Pubg Edit 💯 | BY AHMAD EDITZ

◾️ Clips By ME
◾️ Software Used :
◾️ Adobe After Effects 2021 ◾️ Adobe Premiere Pro 2021


◽️ Core i5-3570 3.4 GHz
◾️ Nvidia GeForce GTX 960 2GB – MSI Xtreme Gaming Edition
◽️ 8GB DDR3 1600 MHz (2x4GB )
◾️ 180GB SSD – Windows 10
◽️ WD 2x500GB HDD
◾️ ASUS H61
◽️ POWER SUPPLY 400W + 80 Bronze


SONG USED💖 – Jaan Ban Gaye x Dil Ka Daryia 💖

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Download Status

Jo Bheji Thi Dua 💖 Slowed + Reverb – LOFI – PUBG 🌹 MONTAGE EDIT | Pubg Edit 💖 | BY AHMAD EDITZ

◾️ Clips By ME
◾️ Software Used :
◾️ Adobe After Effects 2021 ◾️ Adobe Premiere Pro 2021


◽️ Core i5-3570 3.4 GHz
◾️ Nvidia GeForce GTX 960 2GB – MSI Xtreme Gaming Edition
◽️ 8GB DDR3 1600 MHz (2x4GB )
◾️ 180GB SSD – Windows 10
◽️ WD 2x500GB HDD
◾️ ASUS H61
◽️ POWER SUPPLY 400W + 80 Bronze


SONG USED💖 – Jo Bheji Thi Dua 💖 Slowed + Reverb

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Want Paid Work From ME💖 :
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Song:- Milne Hai Mujhse Aayi

•Singer:- Arijit Singh Music Drector:- Jeet Gangulli

•Lyrics:- Irshad Kamil Movie:- Aashiqui 2 •Producer:- Bhushan Kumar Krishan Kumar Producer: Mukesh

Bhaat Director:- Mohit Suri Music Label:- T-Series

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