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urdu translation
Quranic Wisdom: Don’t Be Sad, Allah Knows Everything | Heart-Touching Urdu Translation #islamicpost
Discover the timeless wisdom of the Quran in this heart-touching translation of a beautiful surah in Urdu. In this video, we explore how Allah advises us not to grieve over what we lose and not to boast about what we gain, as He knows everything.
Let these divine words bring peace and comfort to your heart. Perfect for those seeking solace and a deeper connection with the Quran.
Stay connected with us for more Quranic translations and Islamic teachings.
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Quran Translation in Urdu, Heart-Touching Quranic Translation, Islamic Teachings, Soothing Quran Recitation, Quranic Wisdom, Don’t Be Sad Quran Verse, Allah Knows Everything, Peaceful Quranic Messages, Quran for Peace and Guidance, Surah Translation in Urdu, Urdu Quran Explanation, Quranic Verses about Sadness, Quranic Guidance in Urdu, How to Find Peace in Islam, Quran Lessons in Urdu, Emotional Quranic Translations, Islamic Motivation, Life Lessons from Quran, Quran for Hard Times, Islamic Reminder, Faith and Patience in Islam, Allah’s Wisdom, Spiritual Healing in Islam, Urdu Islamic Videos
[Urdu & English] Heart Touching Surah Mulk | Verse 23 | Abdul Hamid Chana | Translation | Quran
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