Falak Tak Chal Saath Mere ? #lofimix #tashan #akshaykumar #kareenakapoor #romanticstatus #yrfshorts

Falak Tak Chal Saath Mere ? #lofimix #tashan #akshaykumar #kareenakapoor #romanticstatus #yrfshorts

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LoFi Mix By: Jus Keys

? Song Credits:
Song: Falak Tak
Singers: Udit Narayan, Mahalaxmi Iyer
Music: Vishal and Sheykhar
Lyrics: Kausar Munir

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? Movie Credits:
Movie: Tashan
Starring: Akshay Kumar, Saif Ali Khan, Kareena Kapoor, Anil Kapoor
Writer-Director: Vijay Krishna Acharya
Producer: Aditya Chopra
Music: Vishal and Sheykhar
Lyrics: Piyush Mishra, Vishal, Anvita Dutt Guptan, Kausar Munir
Release Date: 25 April 2008

Watch all videos from the film ‘Tashan’:

What happens when you throw two guys who hate each other together…

A cool call center executive Jimmy Cliff (Saif Ali Khan), a desi wannabe gangster Bachchan Pande (Akshay Kumar) add for good measure a beautiful girl Pooja (Kareena Kapoor) who cant be trusted… on a journey across spectacular India… a journey which will alter the course of their lives in more ways than one… a journey where even enemies need to trust each other if they want to stay alive…

Trouble is, in this world no one can be trusted ever!

And to top it all there is the evil eye of Bhaiyyaji (Anil Kapoor – Slumdog Millionaire & 24)… a maverick gangster who enjoys killing people as much as he enjoys learning to speak English…

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