Must Listen Surah zilzal heart touching Surah word by word with Urdu Translation???#viral#trending

Must Listen Surah zilzal heart touching Surah word by word with Urdu Translation???#viral#trending

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Must listen Surah zilzal heart touching Surah??|Word by word with Urdu Translation|#quran#viral

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00:00 Intro
00:14 Itha zulzilati al-ardu zilzalaha
00:19 Waakhrajati al-ardu athgalaha
00:24 Wagala al-insanu ma laha
00:29 Yawma-ithin tuhaddithu akhbaraha
00:35 Bi-anna rabbaka awha laha
00:40 Yawma-ithin yasduru annasuashtatan liyuraw
00:49 Faman yaAAmal mithqala tharratinkhayran yarah
00:57 Waman yaAAmal mithqala tharratinsharran

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