“Aakrosh” (2010) is a thrilling Bollywood action drama directed by Priyadarshan. The movie highlights the sensitive issue of honor killings in rural India, where caste and social pressures lead to horrifying acts of violence. The story follows two CBI officers, Pratap Kumar (Ajay Devgn) and Siddhant Chaturvedi (Akshaye Khanna), as they investigate the mysterious disappearance of three medical students in a small village. As they dig deeper, they uncover a dark conspiracy involving corrupt politicians, local police, and the brutal practice of honor killings. Bipasha Basu plays Geeta, a woman caught in the crossfire of this ruthless system. Aakrosh is a gritty and hard-hitting film that sheds light on real-world social issues while delivering powerful performances and intense action sequences. The film’s riveting narrative, combined with a haunting background score by Ouseppachan, makes it a compelling watch for fans of Bollywood dramas with a strong message.
*Ajay Devgn* as Pratap Kumar
*Akshaye Khanna* as Siddhant Chaturvedi
*Bipasha Basu* as Geeta
*Paresh Rawal* as Inspector Ajatshatru
*Reema Sen* as Jhamunda
*Amita Pathak* as Roshni
*Director*: Priyadarshan
*Producer*: Kumar Mangat Pathak
*Music Director*: Ouseppachan
*Story*: Aditya Dhar
**Songs List**:
1. *Isak Se Meetha* – Kalpana Patowary, Shreya Ghoshal
2. *Saude Bazi* – Javed Ali
3. *Man Ki Mat* – Rahat Fateh Ali Khan
4. *Ramkatha* – Sukhwinder Singh
Experience the intensity of *Aakrosh* (2010) and immerse yourself in a hard-hitting social drama that still resonates today. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe to our channel for more Bollywood blockbusters!
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Download Movie Aakrosh (2010) – Action Packed Bollywood Movie | Ajay Devgn, Akshaye Khanna, Bipasha Basu