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?Humko Hamise Chura Lo?4k full screen status video || Shahrukh Khan❣️ Aishwarya Rai || Mohabbatein

?Humko Hamise Chura Lo?4k full screen status video || Shahrukh Khan❣️ Aishwarya Rai || Mohabbatein
?Humko Hamise Chura Lo?4k full screen status video || Shahrukh Khan❣️ Aishwarya Rai || Mohabbatein

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?Humko Hamise Chura Lo?4k full screen status video || Shahrukh Khan❣️ Aishwarya Rai || Mohabbatein
Movie :-Mohabbatein
Song :-Humko Hamise Chura Lo
Singer :- Lata Mangeshkar Udit Narayan
Lyrics :- Anand Bakshi
Music :- Jatin
Actor :- Shahrukh Khan, Aishwarya Rai
Instagram :- ??

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#lyrics :-
Aaaa aaa aaa
Humko humise chura lo, dil mein kahin tum chhupa lo
Humko humise chura lo, dil mein kahin tum chhupa lo
Hum akele kho naa jaaye, door tumse ho naa jaaye
Paas aao gale se lagaa lo
Humko humise chura lo, dil mein kahin tum chhupa lo
Hum akele kho naa jaaye, door tumse ho naa jaaye
Paas aao gale se lagaa lo
Humko humise chura lo
Dil mein kahin tum chhupa lo
Aaa aaa aa, la la la la la
Yeh dil dhadka do, zulfen bikhraa do
Sharmaake apna, aanchal lehraa do
Hum zulfen to bikhraa de, din mein raat na ho jaaye
Hum aanchal to lehraa de, par barsaat na ho jaaye
Hone do barsaatein, karni hain kuch baatein
Paas aao gale se lagaa lo
Humko humise chura lo, dil mein kahin tum chhupa lo
Hum akele kho naa jaaye, door tumse ho naa jaaye
Paas aao gale se lagaa lo
Humko humise chura lo
Dil mein kahin tum chhupa lo
Aa aa aaa aaa aa, la la la la laa
Tumpe marte hain, hum mar jaayenge
Yeh sab kehte hain, hum kar jaayenge
Chupki bhar sindoor se tum ab yeh maang zara bhar do
Kal kya ho kisne dekha, sab kuch aaj abhi kar do
Hona ho sab raazi, dil raazi, rab raazi
Paas aao gale se lagaa lo
Humko humise chura lo, dil mein kahin tum chhupa lo
Oooo, humko humise chura lo, dil mein kahin tum chhupa lo
Hum akele ho naa jaaye, door tumse ho naa jaaye
Paas aao gale se lagaa lo
Paas aao gale se lagaa lo
La la la, hmm hmm

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Shah Rukh Khan old song status
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Udit narayan and Alka yangik old songs
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Shahrukh Khan status
Shahrukh Khan 4k status
Shahrukh Khan song status
Shahrukh Khan whatsapp status
Shahrukh Khan whatsapp status video
Shahrukh Khan Sad status
All These Things Are Copyrighted. We Just Edited And Published Audience For Entertainment Purpose Only All Right to Above Music Label And Copyrighted Infringement Intended.
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