Ammy Virk, Binnu Dhillon & Jasmin Bajwa | Time Time Di Gal | Gaddi Jandi Ae Chalanga Maardi |Pitaara

Ammy Virk, Binnu Dhillon & Jasmin Bajwa | Time Time Di Gal | Gaddi Jandi Ae Chalanga Maardi |Pitaara

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Ammy Virk, Binnu Dhillon & Jasmin Bajwa | Time Time Di Gal | Gaddi Jandi Ae Chalanga Maardi |Pitaara

#ammyvirk #binnudhillon #jasminbajwa #gaddijandiaechalangamaardi #timetimedigal #pitaaratv

Ammy Virk, Binnu Dhillon & Jasmin Bajwa Came to our gaming show ‘Time Time Di Gal’ where the trio were asked some fun loving Filmy and Non Filmy questions.

Ammy Virk, Binnu Dhillon & Jasmin Bajwa came to promote their Upcoming Punjabi Film ‘Gaddi Jaandi Ae Chalanga Maardi’.

Do Watch This Episode of Time Time Di Gal With Ammy Virk, Jasmin Bajwa & Binnu Dhillon and Let Us know in the comment section below how you liked this episode.

Ammy Virk, Binnu Dhillon & Jasmin Bajwa | Time Time Di Gal | Gaddi Jandi Ae Chalanga Maardi |Pitaara TV

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Download Movie Ammy Virk, Binnu Dhillon & Jasmin Bajwa | Time Time Di Gal | Gaddi Jandi Ae Chalanga Maardi |Pitaara

Neeru Bajwa Special Interview With Buhe Bariyan Team | Nirmal Rishi | Jaswinder Brar | Pitaara Tv

Neeru Bajwa Special Interview With Buhe Bariyan Team | Nirmal Rishi | Jaswinder Brar | Pitaara Tv

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Neeru Bajwa Special Interview With Buhe Bariyan Team | Nirmal Rishi | Jaswinder Brar | Pitaara Tv

Buhe Bariyan Full Movie Special Interview With Neeru Bajwa and Team Where they all shared about the Experience of the Film Buhe Bariyan

Neeru Bajwa, Nirmal Rishi, Rupinder Rupi, Gurpreet Bhangu, Jaswinder Brar, Rubina Bajwa and Simran Chahal came to our show Pitaara Di Chaupal And shared their Experience about their Just Released Movie “Buhe Bariyan”.

Do Watch The Full Episode and Don’t Forget to Share your Experience

#neerubajwa #buhebariyan #nirmalrishi #gurpreetbhangu #rupinderrupi #rubinabajwa #jaswinderbrar #pitaaradichaupal #pitaaratv

Neeru Bajwa Special Interview With Buhe Bariyan Team | Nirmal Rishi | Jaswinder Brar | Pitaara Tv

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PitaaraTV, World’s first Punjabi Movie Channel. Enjoy 24*7 comedy, romance, and action-packed Punjabi movies on Pitaara TV! Pitaara also brings out the latest updates from the Punjabi music and film industry with exclusive interviews with celebrities and a lot more !!!

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Download Movie Neeru Bajwa Special Interview With Buhe Bariyan Team | Nirmal Rishi | Jaswinder Brar | Pitaara Tv