Les derniers jours d’une icône : Gianni Versace

Les derniers jours d’une icône : Gianni Versace
Les derniers jours d’une icône : Gianni Versace

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15 juillet 1997, c’est la mort d’une des plus importantes icônes de la mode italienne. Un des hommes à l’origine du fameux « carré de la mode » de Milan. Un de ceux grâce à qui cette ville peut prétendre aujourd’hui rivaliser avec Paris.
Le couturier italien Gianni Versace est assassiné de deux balles dans la tête devant sa maison de Miami Beach en Floride. Il est victime d’un mystérieux assassin, Andrew Cunanan.
Gianni Versace était à la tête d’un empire du luxe de plus de 560 millions de dollars.
Ce jour-là, tout le milieu de la mode internationale et toute l’Italie pleure la mort du créateur.
Versace a laissé derrière lui un héritage faramineux qui suscite bien des conflits dans son entourage.

Réalisateur : Ted Anspach

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Les Amish, une communauté d’un autre âge

Les Amish, une communauté d’un autre âge
Les Amish, une communauté d’un autre âge

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Bienvenue en Pennsylvanie, le berceau des Amishs aux États-Unis.
Ils forment un groupe ethnoreligieux chrétien d’origine germanique et sont connus pour mener une vie simple, pacifique et austère, se tenant à l’écart du progrès et des influences du monde extérieur.
Après plusieurs mois d’approches, nous réussissons enfin à filmer le quotidien de cette communauté d’un autre âge.

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Premiers hommes, le début de l’humanité

Premiers hommes, le début de l’humanité
Premiers hommes, le début de l’humanité

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La grande aventure des origines de l’être humain à travers l’histoire d’une seule et même famille, un groupe d’hommes, de femmes et d’enfants dont la caméra partage les épreuves, les drames et les joies tout au long des étapes majeures de l’évolution.

Réalisation : Frédéric Fougea, Jérôme Guiot

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Révélations sur les premiers hommes préhistoriques

Révélations sur les premiers hommes préhistoriques
Révélations sur les premiers hommes préhistoriques

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Il y a 25 millions d’années, des espèces inconnues apparaissent sur Terre : parmi elles, nos lointains ancêtres. Ils découvrent la chasse, inventent l’outil, le pouvoir, l’amour… et bientôt la guerre. Ils rivalisent avec les grands fauves, partent à la conquête du monde. Ils deviennent nous, Homo Sapiens, l’Homme moderne. Où et quand commence notre lignée ?

Réalisation : Frédéric Fougea, Jérôme Guiot

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The great adventure of the origin of man

The great adventure of the origin of man
The great adventure of the origin of man

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Thirty million years ago a new group of creatures appeared on planet Earth: the great apes. From their ranks arose one family, gifted with exceptional skills: our protagonists. This family would change the face of our world forever.

Here, for the very first time in television history, is the saga of our origins, told through the story of one single family – an epic journey upon which the latest scientific discoveries shine an exciting new light.

AKA First Man: The New Story Of Our Origins

DIRECTOR: Jérôme Guiot, Frédéric Fougea

0:00 The ancient ancestors of humans and their evolutionary journey.
7:05 The empathetic and communal behavior of Pierolas, a species of primate, and their unique cultural and social structure.
14:38 The evolution of early humans and the impact of climate change on different continents.
22:34 The evolution and societal structure of our ancient ancestors as they migrated through Africa.
29:11 The evolution of early human-like primates and their social dynamics, including the emergence of war and funeral rituals.
42:11 Adaptation of early human ancestors in Africa, focusing on the challenges they faced and the innovative solutions they developed.
48:55 A group of early humans discovers the benefits of consuming meat and develops tools to hunt and process it.
57:40 Migration of early humans, highlighting their adaptability and quest for a better life.
1:05:11 Homo erectus evolves into a highly resilient and socially organized species, facing new challenges and discoveries in their environment.
1:14:21 The discovery of fire revolutionized the lives of early humans, leading to advancements in cooking, brain development, language, and storytelling.
1:25:45 The evolutionary journey of Homo sapiens and the diversity of human populations around the world.

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Israel Special Forces: the Elite Army Unit (Golani Brigade)

Israel Special Forces: the Elite Army Unit (Golani Brigade)
Israel Special Forces: the Elite Army Unit (Golani Brigade)

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On the ground and in the secrets of the camps, discover the daily life and actions of a special unit of the Israeli army, dedicated to the fight against terrorism.

Directors: Charles Villeneuve and Paul Comiti

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Somalia On The Brink – Living With Terror And Violence

Somalia On The Brink – Living With Terror And Violence
Somalia On The Brink – Living With Terror And Violence

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With no state, no public amenities, no bank system, a scarce army, an under-equipped police force, and almost daily attacks, the majority of Somalia is completely out of government control. Despite the presence of an international African army, AMISOM, the country lives under the rule of armed Islamists who take orders from Al Qaeda.

Every year, the international community spends billions on aid, and yet the country is weaker than ever. Rather than benefiting citizens, the majority of international aid money is tied up in astronomical security costs, or is embezzled by a corrupt political class. It is estimated that less than 20% of aid money actually reaches its intended recipients.

With unprecedented access, our team was able to spend 16 days filming in the capital, Mogadishu, and its surrounding areas. This film attempts to understand how this country, under control of one of the strongest Islamist groups in the world, remains in chaos.

0:00 Somalia, one of the most dangerous countries in the world, is plagued by terrorism and violence, with the city of Mogadishu under constant attack.
7:32 The video highlights the difficult living conditions in Somalia and the desperation of its young population to leave the country for a better life in Europe.
16:19 Somali leaders work to rebuild their country and regain the trust of the people.
24:34 The video discusses the challenges faced by the mayor of Mogadishu, Somalia in dealing with terrorism and the efforts to maintain security in the city.
30:53 A rare look inside the most dangerous prison in Africa housing Al-Shabaab terrorists and dangerous criminals in Somalia.
42:38 International aid funding for Somalia is being misused and does not reach the people in need.
49:24 The video highlights the dire healthcare situation in Somalia, where a lack of resources and widespread corruption contribute to high mortality rates.

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The Rise of Man – Homo Sapiens Invents Civilizations

The Rise of Man – Homo Sapiens Invents Civilizations
The Rise of Man – Homo Sapiens Invents Civilizations

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Twelve thousand years ago man reaches a decisive turning point in his history. He emerges from prehistory and lays the foundations of the first civilizations. THE RISE OF MAN relates the extraordinary evolution of society, from the first village to the first village from the first city, from nomadic behavior to sophisticated urban lifestyles.

Director: Jacques Malaterre

0:00 Twelve thousand years ago, man settled in the first villages, marking the beginning of a new era in human history.
11:55 A nomadic group encounters settled villagers and faces the choice between a sedentary life and their nomadic lifestyle.
23:02 A love story in a prehistoric village turns into a feud between two families, dividing the community.
33:49 The discovery of irrigation and farming techniques leads to prosperity and power in a village.
43:54 A mysterious illness spreads through a town, leading to the rise of a new chief and the banishment of those infected.
52:36 Urhu rises to power and becomes a despotic chief, leading to discontent in the town.
1:02:07 The video explores the rise of cities and the concentration of power in ancient civilizations.
1:12:42 Writing and the power of knowledge.
1:23:25 Sarki is sentenced to death, but is saved by nomads and becomes a master of symbols, contributing to the dissemination of knowledge and the written word.

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The Rise of Man – Homo Sapiens Invents Civilizations

The Rise of Man – Homo Sapiens Invents Civilizations
The Rise of Man – Homo Sapiens Invents Civilizations

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Twelve thousand years ago man reaches a decisive turning point in his history. He emerges from prehistory and lays the foundations of the first civilizations. THE RISE OF MAN relates the extraordinary evolution of society, from the first village to the first village from the first city, from nomadic behavior to sophisticated urban lifestyles.

Director: Jacques Malaterre

0:00 Twelve thousand years ago, man settled in the first villages, marking the beginning of a new era in human history.
11:55 A nomadic group encounters settled villagers and faces the choice between a sedentary life and their nomadic lifestyle.
23:02 A love story in a prehistoric village turns into a feud between two families, dividing the community.
33:49 The discovery of irrigation and farming techniques leads to prosperity and power in a village.
43:54 A mysterious illness spreads through a town, leading to the rise of a new chief and the banishment of those infected.
52:36 Urhu rises to power and becomes a despotic chief, leading to discontent in the town.
1:02:07 The video explores the rise of cities and the concentration of power in ancient civilizations.
1:12:42 Writing and the power of knowledge.
1:23:25 Sarki is sentenced to death, but is saved by nomads and becomes a master of symbols, contributing to the dissemination of knowledge and the written word.

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The Rise of Man – Homo Sapiens Invents Civilizations

The Rise of Man – Homo Sapiens Invents Civilizations
The Rise of Man – Homo Sapiens Invents Civilizations

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Twelve thousand years ago man reaches a decisive turning point in his history. He emerges from prehistory and lays the foundations of the first civilizations. THE RISE OF MAN relates the extraordinary evolution of society, from the first village to the first village from the first city, from nomadic behavior to sophisticated urban lifestyles.

Director: Jacques Malaterre

0:00 Twelve thousand years ago, man settled in the first villages, marking the beginning of a new era in human history.
11:55 A nomadic group encounters settled villagers and faces the choice between a sedentary life and their nomadic lifestyle.
23:02 A love story in a prehistoric village turns into a feud between two families, dividing the community.
33:49 The discovery of irrigation and farming techniques leads to prosperity and power in a village.
43:54 A mysterious illness spreads through a town, leading to the rise of a new chief and the banishment of those infected.
52:36 Urhu rises to power and becomes a despotic chief, leading to discontent in the town.
1:02:07 The video explores the rise of cities and the concentration of power in ancient civilizations.
1:12:42 Writing and the power of knowledge.
1:23:25 Sarki is sentenced to death, but is saved by nomads and becomes a master of symbols, contributing to the dissemination of knowledge and the written word.

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The Rise of Man – Homo Sapiens Invents Civilizations

The Rise of Man – Homo Sapiens Invents Civilizations
The Rise of Man – Homo Sapiens Invents Civilizations

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Twelve thousand years ago man reaches a decisive turning point in his history. He emerges from prehistory and lays the foundations of the first civilizations. THE RISE OF MAN relates the extraordinary evolution of society, from the first village to the first village from the first city, from nomadic behavior to sophisticated urban lifestyles.

Director: Jacques Malaterre

0:00 Twelve thousand years ago, man settled in the first villages, marking the beginning of a new era in human history.
11:55 A nomadic group encounters settled villagers and faces the choice between a sedentary life and their nomadic lifestyle.
23:02 A love story in a prehistoric village turns into a feud between two families, dividing the community.
33:49 The discovery of irrigation and farming techniques leads to prosperity and power in a village.
43:54 A mysterious illness spreads through a town, leading to the rise of a new chief and the banishment of those infected.
52:36 Urhu rises to power and becomes a despotic chief, leading to discontent in the town.
1:02:07 The video explores the rise of cities and the concentration of power in ancient civilizations.
1:12:42 Writing and the power of knowledge.
1:23:25 Sarki is sentenced to death, but is saved by nomads and becomes a master of symbols, contributing to the dissemination of knowledge and the written word.

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South Africa: Soldiers at War Against Poachers | Full Documentary

South Africa: Soldiers at War Against Poachers | Full Documentary
South Africa: Soldiers at War Against Poachers | Full Documentary

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In South Africa, determined people, both men and women, are coming together in a united effort to safeguard rhinos and other endangered wildlife from ruthless poachers. Armed with their courage and dedication, these protectors, some with military backgrounds or as volunteers, are rallying to defend the precious flora and fauna of national parks. Their mission: to combat this pressing threat and preserve the environment for future generations.

Director: Frédéric Cristea

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