ਚੰਦਰੀ ਤਕਦੀਰ (ਭਾਗ-12) Chandri Taqdeer(Ep-12) New Latest Punjabi Movie 2023 !! Dhillon mansa wala

ਚੰਦਰੀ ਤਕਦੀਰ (ਭਾਗ-12) Chandri Taqdeer(Ep-12) New Latest Punjabi Movie 2023 !! Dhillon mansa wala

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Chandri Taqdeer(Ep-12) New Latest Punjabi Movie 2023 !! Dhillon mansa wala

Rajveer Dhillon
Aman Dhillon
Sukhwinder Singh kaka
Charnjeet Kaur
Karmpreet Samra
Hardeep Singh
Navjot Butter
Anjni Sharma
Manjeet Kaur
Harjeet Singh Kukkad
Rajinder Singh Raj
Preet Dirba
Manjeet Vicky

Aman Dhillon
Ex Sub/ Chand Singh


Rajveer Dhillon


Gurkiret Dhillon


Rajveer Dhillon
Karmpreet Samra

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Download Movie ਚੰਦਰੀ ਤਕਦੀਰ (ਭਾਗ-12) Chandri Taqdeer(Ep-12) New Latest Punjabi Movie 2023 !! Dhillon mansa wala

Black Site (2023) Movie explain in Punjabi | #webseriespunjabi |New Hollywood Movie in Punjabi

Black Site (2023) Movie explain in Punjabi | #webseriespunjabi |New Hollywood Movie in Punjabi

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Friends, Black Site movie is made on a Black Site in #turkey. This secret base is built into the citadel. 5 countries in which the agency operates. The main function of this base is to save the old data and keep terrorists from all over the world. The agent of this secret base is Abby who is the head of the CIA Special Military. This base is engaged in capturing a man named Hatchet. Throughout the movie Hatchet is described as a big criminal. But Hatchet also comes on a special mission from the CIA. Black Site movies have a lot of intelligence. So this movie is very good. We have explained the story in Punjabi by taking some parts of the Black Site movie. The main purpose of this is that the people of Punjab region understand about this movie. So, watch the video carefully till the end. Thank you very much
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Download Movie Black Site (2023) Movie explain in Punjabi | #webseriespunjabi |New Hollywood Movie in Punjabi