Puneeth Raajkumar – Paramathma | New Released Hindi Dubbed Movie | Deepa Sannidhi

Puneeth Raajkumar – Paramathma | New Released Hindi Dubbed Movie | Deepa Sannidhi

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Movie – Paramathma
Starring : Puneeth Rajkumar, Deepa Sannidhi, Aindrita Ray, Anant Nag
Written by : Yogaraj Bhat, Duniya Soori
Produced by : Jayanna, Bhogendra
Directed by : Yogaraj Bhat

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Param, the son of a heart specialist Jayanth Rao, is eager to know many things in life, and keeps on shuffling from one place to another. A gold medallist in B.Sc, Param takes six attempts to obtain his M.Sc degree because of his friends, and is a rich guy and can do any task easily. Param falls in love with Deepa, but Sanvi is also in love with him. However, Param does not have any feelings other than that of a friend for the latter. He makes this clear and shows interest in getting Deepa as his partner in life. Convincing Deepa’s family of this proves to be difficult. The proposal enrages Deepa, but soon falls for Param. Tragedy strikes Param, when Deepa dies after a few years, leaving Param with their child. At this juncture, Sanvi arrives to invite Param to her wedding. Param reacts in a very jovial manner, and seems to believe that although Deepa is not physically with him, but mentally she has not left him.

Download Movie Puneeth Raajkumar – Paramathma | New Released Hindi Dubbed Movie | Deepa Sannidhi