Neck Kiss | Kiss Scene in Movie | Romantic Neck Kiss Couple Status | English Romantic Video | Quotes

Neck Kiss | Kiss Scene in Movie | Romantic Neck Kiss Couple Status | English Romantic Video | Quotes

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Get ready to feel the romance with this intimate neck kiss video! 😗😚 This couple kiss video showcases the passion and love between two people, with romantic scenes that will leave you feeling all the feels. The neck kiss is a classic romantic gesture that never goes out of style, and this video proves why it’s a favorite among couples. With tender moments and sweet kisses, this video is perfect for anyone looking for a dose of love and affection. So sit back, relax, and let the romance wash over you with this beautiful couple neck kiss video. 💋 If you’re looking for romantic quotes for couples, you’ll also find some inspiring words to express your love and affection. Enjoy! 😘

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Hindi पत्नी के गले का चुंबन,
Urdu بیوی کے گردن کا بوسہ,
Spanish beso en el cuello de la esposa,
French baiser sur la nuque de la femme,
German Kuss auf dem Hals der Ehefrau,
Italian bacio sul collo della moglie,
Portuguese beijo no pescoço da esposa,
Russian поцелуй в шею жены,
Dutch kus op de nek van de vrouw,
Greek φιλί στο λαιμό της γυναίκας,
Swedish kyss på halsen av hustrun,
Danish kys på nakken af konen,
Norwegian kyss på halsen av ektefellen,
Polish pocałunek na szyi żony,
Czech polibek na krku manželky,
Slovak bozk na krku manželky,
Romanian sărut pe gâtul soției,
Bulgarian целувка в гърлото на съпругата,
Croatian poljubac na vratu supruge,
Serbian пољубац на врату супруге,
Ukrainian поцілунок у шию дружини,
Belarusian пацалунак у шыю жонкі,

Chinese 老婆的脖子吻,
Japanese 妻の首のキス,
Korean 아내의 목에 키스,

Arabic قبلة عنق الزوجة,
Hebrew נשיקה בצוואר האישה,
Amharic ሚስት አካል ሙሉ አግብቶ,

Swahili busu la shingo la mke,
Yoruba òpòlò orí ẹsẹsẹ,
Zulu ukumbula ishingo somakazi,

Indonesian ciuman leher istri,
Malay ciuman leher isteri,
Tagalog halik sa leeg ng asawa,
Hawaiian honi i ka ʻāina o ka wahine,

Finnish vaimon kaulan suudelma,
Estonian abikaasa kaela suudlus,
Hungarian feleség nyakának csókja,

Turkish eşin boynuna öpücük,
Mongolian эхнэрийн хүзүүнд хаяж байна,