सुपरहिट साउथ रिलीज़ मूवी हिंदी डब में | साउथ एक्शन मूवी हिंदी में | लव स्टोरी, सुदीप , निथ्य मेनन

सुपरहिट साउथ रिलीज़ मूवी हिंदी डब में | साउथ एक्शन मूवी हिंदी में | लव स्टोरी, सुदीप , निथ्य मेनन

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Directed by K. S. Ravikumar
Screenplay by K.S Ravikumar
Story by T. Sivakumar
Produced by M. B. Babu (Tamil)
Starring Sudeep, Nithya Menen, Ravi Shankar, Nassar, Prakash Raj, Sathish & Chikkanna
Music by D. Imman
Cinematography Rajarathinam
Edited by Praveen Antony

A real estate agent disguises himself as a robber and loots wealthy people. When the police begin the investigation, he tries to convince them that his identical twin brother is the culprit.]

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Download Movie सुपरहिट साउथ रिलीज़ मूवी हिंदी डब में | साउथ एक्शन मूवी हिंदी में | लव स्टोरी, सुदीप , निथ्य मेनन

No. 1 Businessman | Hindi Dubbed Movie | Mahesh Babu, Kajal Agarwal | Full Action Blockbuster

No. 1 Businessman | Hindi Dubbed Movie | Mahesh Babu, Kajal Agarwal | Full Action Blockbuster

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The 2012 South Indian film Number 1 Businessman is a must-watch for fans of South Indian cinema, known for its perfect blend of action, thriller, comedy, and romance. This film, directed and written by Puri Jagannadh, is a Hindi dubbed version of the Telugu action crime film, based on the concept of Ram Gopal Varma. It delivers a power-packed experience full of action, crime, and drama.

The movie stars Mahesh Babu, who delivers a powerful performance. Alongside him are the beautiful Kajal Aggarwal and the talented Prakash Raj, who play significant roles. The film also features Nasser, Sayaji Shinde, Raza Murad, Subbaraju, and Brahmaji in supportive roles. The storyline revolves around an ambitious young man with dreams of becoming a big businessman.

The story begins with scenes of Mumbai’s bustling city life, introducing the contrast between the city’s vibrant crowds and its underworld. On one hand, Mumbai Police Commissioner Ajay Bharadwaj (played by Nasser) declares the end of the mafia’s reign in the city during a press conference. On the other side, Vijay Surya (played by Mahesh Babu), an ambitious man, arrives in Mumbai with the desire to rule it. He quickly rises to become a local gangster and a powerful businessman, but his true intentions are not what they seem. During his mission to become the underworld kingpin, he falls in love with Chitra (played by Kajal Aggarwal), the daughter of the Mumbai Police Commissioner.

No. 1 Businessman | Hindi Dubbed Movie | Mahesh Babu & Kajal Agarwal | Full Action Blockbuster

How Surya navigates his way to becoming the ‘Bhai’ of Mumbai and whether he achieves his dream of becoming a big businessman forms the crux of the story.

साउथ के दिवानों के लिए यह फिल्म बहुत ही खास है क्योंकि साउथ हर फिल्मों में जैसे एक्शन, थ्रिलर, कॉमेडी और रोमांस का भरपूर तड़का होता है, वैसे ही साउथ की फिल्म ‘नंबर 1 बिजनेसमैन’ में भी एक्शन, क्राइम, ड्रामा का भरपुर आनंद ले सकते हैं। यह फिल्म ‘नंबर 1 बिजनेसमैन’ का हिंदी डब वर्जन है, जो साल 2012 में रिलीज हुई थी, तेलुगु भाषा की एक्शन क्राइम फिल्म है। इसके अलावा यह फिल्म राम गोपाल वर्मा की संकल्पना पर आधारित है, जिसे पुरी जगन्नाध द्वारा लिखा और डायरेक्ट किया गया है।

साउथ की इस सुपरहिट फिल्म में महेश बाबू ने दमदार अभिनय किया है। उनके अलावा फिल्म में खूबसूरत अदाकारा काजल अग्रवाल और प्रकाश राज ने भी अहम किरदार निभाए है। जबकि नासिर, सयाजी शिंदे, रजा मुराद, सुब्बाराजू और ब्रह्माजी स्पोर्टिव रोल में हैं। फिल्म की कहानी एक ऐसे महत्वकांक्षी नौजवान की है, जो एक बड़ा बिजनेसमैन बनना चाहता है…

कहानी की शुरुआत मुंबई की भीड़भाड़ लोगों और शहर के कुछ हिस्सों को दिखा कर किया जाता है। एक तरफ मुंबई पुलिस कमिश्नर अजय भारद्वाज (नासिर) ने मीडिया के सामने शहर में माफिया के अंत की जानकारी देते हुए दिख गया है, तो दूसरी तरफ विजय सूर्या (महेश बाबू) नाम का एक महत्वाकांक्षी इंसान मुंबई में राज करने की चाहत लेकर आता है। वह एक लोकल गैंगस्टर बन जाता है और एक शक्तिशाली बिजनेसमैन बनने में सफल हो जाता है, हालांकि, उसके इरादे वैसे नहीं होते जैसे दिखते हैं। मुंबई का भाई बनने के मिशन के दौरान उसकी नजर मुंबई पुलिस कमिश्नर की बेटी चित्रा (काजल) पर पड़ती है और वह उससे प्यार करने लगता है। अब देखना यह है कि सूर्य कैसे मुंबई का भाई बने और एक बड़े बिजनेसमैन?

Movie:– Movie:– No.1 Businessman 2012 (नंबर.1 बिजनेसमैन)
Writer & Director : – Puri Jagannadh (पुरी जगन्नाथ)
Cast:- Mahesh Babu (महेश बाबू), Kajal Aggarwal (काजल अग्रवाल), Prakash Raj (प्रकाश राज), Nassar (नासिर), Sayaji Shinde (सयाजी शिंदे), Raza Murad (रजा मुराद), Subbaraju (सुब्बाराजू), Brahmaji (ब्रह्माजी)
Genre: – Romance रोमांस, Action एक्शन, Drama ड्रामा
Language: – Hindi

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Download Movie No. 1 Businessman | Hindi Dubbed Movie | Mahesh Babu, Kajal Agarwal | Full Action Blockbuster

International Rowdy – Hindi Dubbed Full Movie – Vikram, Nayanthara, Nithya Menen, Nassar

International Rowdy – Hindi Dubbed Full Movie – Vikram, Nayanthara, Nithya Menen, Nassar

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Indian intelligence agencies are trying to stop an Organisation (Love) in Malaysia who has made a powerful drug that can turn anybody into a killing machine. Hero Akhilan Vinod is an ex-RAW agent who is assigned to stop Love, along with case officer Aarushi. Akhil also wants to avenge the deaths of and his partner and wife Meera George.

Director: Anand Shankar
Star Cast: Vikram, Nayanthara, Nithya Menen, Nassar
Music director: Harris Jayaraj
Producers: Shibu Thameens, Neelam Krishnareddy
Distributed by: Zee Studios, Auraa Cinemas
Release date: 8 September 2016 (India)

He recognizes the scientist as Love (also played by Vikram), who killed his wife Meera George (Nayantara), 5 years ago. He discovers about the mysterious drug ‘Speed’ that Love uses and plans to put an end to it.

International Rowdy Movie Song
🎵 Halena Sung by Abhay Jodhpurkar, Ujjayinee Roy, Christopher Stanley
🎵 Oh Maya Sung by N. C. Karunya, Ramya NSK
🎵 Kannai Vittu Sung by Tippu, Srimathumitha, Praveen Saivi
🎵 Irumugan Settai Sung by Kavithai Gunder Emcee Jesz, Steeve Vatz, Maalavika Manoj
🎵 Face off (Theme) Sung by Maria Roe Vincent

Download Movie International Rowdy – Hindi Dubbed Full Movie – Vikram, Nayanthara, Nithya Menen, Nassar

New Released South Indian Hindi Dubbed Movie 2024 | New 2024 Hindi Action Movie HD #nassar#LORDKING

New Released South Indian Hindi Dubbed Movie 2024 | New 2024 Hindi Action Movie HD  #nassar#LORDKING

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##LORDKING #LORDKINGFullMovie #LordkingActionMovie #Vijaykanth #HindiDubbedMovie #HindiDubbedActionMovie #NewHindiDubbedActionMovies2024
New Released South Indian Hindi Dubbed Movie 2024 | New 2024 Hindi Action Movie HD #nassar#LORDKING
LORDKING Hindi Dubbed Movie | Vinaykanth | Kanya | Hindi Dubbed Action Movie

Movie: LORDKING(Hindi Dubbed)
Star Cast: Vijaykant, Kanya, Sukanup, M. N. Nambiar, Nassar, R.Sunder Rajan & Others
Music Director: Ilaya Raja
Director: J.Panneer
Producer: Deepak Mukut

(2024) New South Action Movies Dubbed In Hindi साउथ मूवी

Download Movie New Released South Indian Hindi Dubbed Movie 2024 | New 2024 Hindi Action Movie HD #nassar#LORDKING

Manamantha | South Hindi Dubbed Action Romantic Love Story Movie | Mohanlal,Gouthami, Anisha Ambrose

Manamantha | South Hindi Dubbed Action Romantic Love Story Movie | Mohanlal,Gouthami, Anisha Ambrose

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Movie Name :- Manamantha Malyalam Dubbed Hindi Movie
Cast ; Mohanlal, Gouthami, Viswant, Raina Rao, Anisha Ambrose, Urvasi, Nassar,Venela kishor ets
Directed by Chandra Sekhar
Produced By : Surinder Yadav
Music is composed by Mahesh Shanker
Cinematography Rahul Shrivatsav
Editor: GV Chandra Sekhar
Dialogues: Ravi Chandra Teja
Lyrics: Ramajogayya Sastry, Wasistha Varma
Stunts by : Ramu
Choreography by: Nixon Master
Copyright @Sur Music World Pvt Ltd.
Digital : Mahendra Yadav

Download Movie Manamantha | South Hindi Dubbed Action Romantic Love Story Movie | Mohanlal,Gouthami, Anisha Ambrose

Captain Miller Hindi Dubbed Movie | New Sauth Movie | Captain Miller Movie | Dhanush | Movie Review

Captain Miller Hindi Dubbed Movie | New Sauth Movie | Captain Miller Movie | Dhanush | Movie Review

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Captain Miller Hindi Dubbed Movie | New Sauth Movie | Captain Miller Movie | Movie Review

Captain Miller
Hindi Dubbed Movie
New Sauth Movie
Captain Miller Movie
Movie Review
Dhanush Movie
Sauth movie
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Captain miller movie
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Aaj Ka Badshah Blockbuster Hindi Dubbed Movie | Sunil | Santosh | Ankitha | Tejashree | Nassar

Aaj Ka Badshah Blockbuster Hindi Dubbed Movie | Sunil | Santosh | Ankitha | Tejashree | Nassar

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Ranga is a kind-hearted person who faces a lot of hardships. Circumstances force him to kidnap a girl, though he falls in love with her eventually.

रंगा, एक लापरवाह गुंडा जो रायप्पा,फिल्म फाइनेंसर के लिए काम करता है जो वास्तव में एक गिरोह का नेता है। हालांकि, एक व्यक्तिगत त्रासदी उसकी जिंदगी हमेशा बदल देती है।

Banner: Selvyi Productions (Tamil) Sri Raghava Productions Present, Angad Film’s
Movie: Aaj Ka Badshah Hindi Dubbed Version of the Tamil Movie “Thiru Ranga”
Starring: Santosh, Ankitha, Tejashree, Nassar, Jaya Prakash Reddy, Sunil, Nizhagal Ravi, Nanditha Jennifer, Cochin Haneefa, Suman Shetty, Jeeva, Ramesh Khanna & Others.
Written & Directed By: Ravi Bhargavan
Produced By: A. Selvi, Ch. Sathyanarayana & Trilochan Singh
Cinematography: Vishagan
Edited By: P. Sai Suresh (Tamil)
Edited By: Nandamuri Hari (Telugu)
Music By : Srikanth Deva

Aaj Ka Badshah Blockbuster Hindi Dubbed Movies | Sunil, Santosh, Ankitha, Tejashree | South Action

Download Movie Aaj Ka Badshah Blockbuster Hindi Dubbed Movie | Sunil | Santosh | Ankitha | Tejashree | Nassar

Superhit Hindi Dubbed Movie Love Story Movie – Mohanlal, Viswant & Anisha, Nassar, Venela| New Movie

Superhit Hindi Dubbed Movie Love Story Movie – Mohanlal, Viswant & Anisha, Nassar, Venela| New Movie

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Hindi dubbed Movie Manamantha (Hindi Dubbed) – Full Movie | Mohanlal | Gouthami, Viswant, Raina, Anisha Ambrose
Movie Name :- Manamantha Malyalam Dubbed Hindi Movie
Cast ; Mohanlal, Gouthami, Viswant, Raina Rao, Anisha Ambrose, Urvasi, Nassar,Venela kishor ets
Directed by Chandra Sekhar
Produced By : Surinder Yadav
Music is composed by Mahesh Shanker
Cinematography Rahul Shrivatsav
Editor: GV Chandra Sekhar
Dialogues: Ravi Chandra Teja
Lyrics: Ramajogayya Sastry, Wasistha Varma
Stunts by : Ramu
Choreography by: Nixon Master
Copyright @Sur Music World Pvt Ltd.
Digital : Mahendra Yadav

casts Mohanlal, Gouthami, Viswant, Raina Rao, Anisha Ambrose, Urvasi, Nassar, Gollapudi Maruthi Rao, Parachuri Venkateswara Rao,Vennela Kishore, Dhanraj, Praveen, Naveen Neni, Harshavardhan, Ayyapa, P.Sharma and others in the movie.

Download Movie Superhit Hindi Dubbed Movie Love Story Movie – Mohanlal, Viswant & Anisha, Nassar, Venela| New Movie

South Dubbed Movie In HIndi Mumbai Ki Kiran Bedi Policewali Singham | Arundhati, Ramkumar

South Dubbed Movie In HIndi Mumbai Ki Kiran Bedi Policewali Singham | Arundhati, Ramkumar

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South Dubbed Movie In HIndi Mumbai Ki Kiran Bedi Policewali Singham | Arundhati, Ramkumar. Subscribe :-
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Plot: An honest and virtuous police officer goes undercover to nab criminals and bring them to justice. Despite pressures from the higher authorities to abort her mission, she remains undeterred.

Starring: Arundhati, Ramkumar, Nassar, Sampath Ram, Rajendran.
Producer: A. S. Muthamizh.
Director: Sundara Elangovan.

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Telugu Action Blockbuster Hindi Dubbed Movie | Arya, Amy Jackson | South Love Story Full HD Movie

Telugu Action Blockbuster Hindi Dubbed Movie | Arya, Amy Jackson | South Love Story Full HD Movie

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Movie: Madrasapattinam
Starring: Arya, Amy Jackson, Nassar, Cochin Haneefa, Lisa Lazarus, Alexx O’Neill
Director: A. L. Vijay
Producer: Kalpathi S. Aghoram
Music: G. V. Prakash Kumar
Label: DRJ Records

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Download Movie Telugu Action Blockbuster Hindi Dubbed Movie | Arya, Amy Jackson | South Love Story Full HD Movie

Jr NTR (2023) Full Hindi Dubbed Movie | Prabhas, Hansika Motwani, Trisha Krishnan, Jayam Ravi, Ajay

Jr NTR (2023) Full Hindi Dubbed Movie | Prabhas, Hansika Motwani, Trisha Krishnan, Jayam Ravi, Ajay

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Movie: Deewaar Man of Power, The Power of Narsimha, Bogan
Starring: Jr NTR, Prabhas, Hansika Motwani, Trisha Krishnan, Jayam Ravi, Ajay
Label: DRJ Records

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Welcome to DRJ Records Prime Youtube Channel, the #1 destination for premium entertainment videos. Enjoy the blockbuster of all languages Full movies, scenes, songs, & more.

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Download Movie Jr NTR (2023) Full Hindi Dubbed Movie | Prabhas, Hansika Motwani, Trisha Krishnan, Jayam Ravi, Ajay

Bringing Anger to Life: Prakash Raj🔥 | Anniyan | Tamil | Vikram | Sadha | Vivek | Sun NXT

Bringing Anger to Life: Prakash Raj🔥 | Anniyan | Tamil | Vikram | Sadha | Vivek | Sun NXT

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In the Tamil movie “Anniyan,” Prakash Raj’s character remains composed after his brother is killed by a serial killer who targets influential people. When asked why he doesn’t cry, he explains that he stores his anger inside and won’t rest until the killer is caught. This scene showcases Prakash Raj’s exceptional acting skills and the complexity of grief.
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Anniyan is a 2005 Indian Tamil-language psychological action thriller film written and directed by S. Shankar and produced by V. Ravichandran of Aascar Films. Vikram stars as Ambi, an idealistic, law-abiding lawyer who has multiple personality disorder and develops two other identities: a metrosexual fashion model named Remo. Actors Sadha, Nedumudi Venu, Vivek, Prakash Raj, and Nassar also feature in the film.

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