Wazir – A Crime Thriller of a Perfect Murder and Ingenious Escape | Hindi suspense short film

Wazir – A Crime Thriller of a Perfect Murder and Ingenious Escape | Hindi suspense short film
Wazir – A Crime Thriller of a Perfect Murder and Ingenious Escape | Hindi suspense short film

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A crime thriller that showcases the tale of an impeccably executed murder, where the culprits cleverly evade justice through meticulous planning and a lack of incriminating evidence.

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Cast & Crew:
Director: Taposhi Roy
Producer: Poulomi Saha

Iqbal Sultan: Professor Tripathi
Ankita Brahma: Renuka Verma
Vishal Lakmani: Inspector

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Download Movie Wazir – A Crime Thriller of a Perfect Murder and Ingenious Escape | Hindi suspense short film