John Wayne | Paradise Canyon 1935 (Colorized Western) Classic Cowboy Movie | subtitles

John Wayne | Paradise Canyon 1935 (Colorized Western) Classic Cowboy Movie | subtitles

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Authorities Investigate a Medicine Show Involved in Counterfeit Money Circulation Near the Mexican Border; John Joins the Show and Rehearses a New Act with Linda; Cowboy Approached to Help Get the Carter Medicine Show Out of Town; Showman Promotes Indian Remedies and Thrilling Marksmanship Exhibition; Cowboy and Girl Encounter Trouble in Town; American Government Agent Seeks Assistance from Mexican Authorities to Capture Counterfeiting Gang; Federal Man Overpowered in Attempted Arrest of Curly Joe, Leading to Battle and Chase to Hideout

Original title: Paradise Canyon (1935)

Black & White version:

Director: Armand Schaefer
Writers: Lindsley Parsons, Lindsley Parsons
Actors: John Wayne, Nancy Shubert, Lane Chandler
Genres: Colorized classics, Action, Western

This film has French & Spanish dubbed audio, go to settings ⚙️ to change your audio / subtitle language.

00:00 Full Movie (with subtitles)
01:25 The authorities are investigating a medicine show involved in circulating counterfeit money near the Mexican border.
09:36 John joins a medicine show and rehearses a new act with Linda.
19:31 A cowboy is approached by someone from the Mexican side who wants him to help get the Carter medicine show out of town.
26:04 A showman promotes his Indian remedies and introduces a thrilling exhibition of marksmanship.
28:37 A cowboy and a girl are part of a show and encounter some trouble in town.
41:04 An American government agent is after a counterfeiting gang and seeks assistance from Mexican authorities.
44:31 A federal man tries to arrest Curly Joe but is overpowered, leading to a battle and a chase to a hideout.

Download Movie John Wayne | Paradise Canyon 1935 (Colorized Western) Classic Cowboy Movie | subtitles

Treasure & treachery on the high seas! Captain Kidd (1945) Colorized | HD Quality | Subtitles

Treasure & treachery on the high seas! Captain Kidd (1945) Colorized | HD Quality | Subtitles

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The unhistorical adventures of the cutthroat pirate William Kidd, who captures Admiral Blayne’s treasure ship and hides the bounty in a cave. This film was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Score at the 18th Academy Awards

This movie has German, Portuguese & Spanish dubbed audio tracks, and many subtitles

Original title: Captain Kidd (1945)
B&W version:
Director: Rowland V. Lee
Writers: Norman Reilly Raine, Robert N. Lee
Stars: Charles Laughton, Randolph Scott, Barbara Britton & John Carradine
Genres: Classics, Adventure, Biography, Drama

CCC Chapters
00:00 Full colorized film
08:10 court calendar
21:37 my heart bleeds


Download Movie Treasure & treachery on the high seas! Captain Kidd (1945) Colorized | HD Quality | Subtitles

The Old Barn Dance English Full Movie | Gene Autry |Smiley Burnette | Joan Valerie | TVNXT Hollywood

The Old Barn Dance English Full Movie | Gene Autry |Smiley Burnette | Joan Valerie | TVNXT Hollywood

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#LatestNonStopMovies #NonStopMovies #TrendingMovies #LatestSuperHitMovies #theoldbarndance #englishmovies #hollywoodmovies

Watch to The Old Barn Dance English Full Movie | Gene Autry |Smiley Burnette | Joan Valerie | TVNXT Hollywood

Movie Name: The Old Barn Dance.
Stars : Gene Autry, Smiley Burnette, Joan Valerie, Sammy McKim and among others.
Director: Joseph Kane.
Writer : Bernard McConville.

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Download Movie The Old Barn Dance English Full Movie | Gene Autry |Smiley Burnette | Joan Valerie | TVNXT Hollywood

John Wayne | Angel and the Badman (1947) Classic Western | Colorized Movie, Subtitles

John Wayne | Angel and the Badman (1947) Classic Western | Colorized Movie, Subtitles

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The dramatic story of a girl in a man’s world who taught a killer the real meaning of love!
Quirt Evans, an all round bad guy, is nursed back to health and sought after by Penelope Worth, a Quaker girl. He eventually finds himself having to choose between his world and the world Penelope lives in.

Original title: Angel and the Badman (1947)
Original B&W version:
Director & Writer: James Edward Grant
Cast: Gail Russell, Harry Carey, Bruce Cabot & John Wayne
Genres: Colorized, Classics, Romance, Western

This film comes with original English audio, and dubbed audio in French, German, Italian, Spanish. And is also subtitles in more than 30+ languages. Click on ⚙️ and choose your preferred language.

premiere trailer:

Download Movie John Wayne | Angel and the Badman (1947) Classic Western | Colorized Movie, Subtitles

Earth Attacked!! Killers From Space (Sci-Fi, 1954) Directed by W. Lee Wilder | Colorized

Earth Attacked!! Killers From Space (Sci-Fi, 1954) Directed by W. Lee Wilder | Colorized

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Atomic scientist/pilot Doug Martin is missing after his plane crashes on an reconnaissance mission after a nuclear test. Miraculously appearing unhurt at the base later, he is given sodium amethol, but authorities are skeptical of his story that he was captured by aliens determined to conquer the Earth with giant monsters and insects. Martin vows to use existing technology to destroy them.

Watch the original B&W version:

This film is available with French & Italian dubbed audio options.

Director: W. Lee Wilder
Writer: William Raynor, Myles Wilder
Stars: Peter Graves, James Seay, Steve Pendleton
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi

00:00:00 Full Movie (with subtitles)
00:02:27 Title Credits
00:04:19 What’s that?
00:06:41 Wreckage Report
00:07:40 De Moreton
00:09:16 mr biggs
00:13:36 Visions 60’s special effects
00:18:24 Overstaying on base
00:26:17 Code 4 – All units


Download Movie Earth Attacked!! Killers From Space (Sci-Fi, 1954) Directed by W. Lee Wilder | Colorized

Joshua (WESTERN, 1976) Fred Williamson, Cal Bartlett | Full Movie | Subtitled

Joshua (WESTERN, 1976) Fred Williamson, Cal Bartlett | Full Movie | Subtitled

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A black soldier returns from fighting for the Union in the Civil War only to find out that his mother has been murdered by a gang of white thugs. He becomes a bounty hunter, determined to track down and kill the men who killed his mother.

Director: Larry G. Spangler
Writer: Fred Williamson
Stars: Fred Williamson, Cal Bartlett, Brenda Venus
Genre: Classics, Cult film, Drama, Western
Original title: Joshua (1976)

CCC Chapters:
00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:42 Life on the frontier
00:07:12 Drama at the homestead
00:07:44 Here comes Joshua – title credits
00:10:18 Sam lives
00:13:11 man with a mission
00:23:00 Pete Vs Joshua
00:25:20 Why did it have to be rattle snakes?
00:26:27 1 down, 4 to go
00:31:25 Rex makes #2
00:36:46 Howdy travellers
00:42:13 Decoy fight & chase
00:53:33 Saloon shootout
00:59:26 3 headhunters
01:03:42 Sharing body heat
01:06:55 #3 down, 2 to go
01:11:55 Weasel makes #4
01:16:17 Pursuit of #5 the finale


Download Movie Joshua (WESTERN, 1976) Fred Williamson, Cal Bartlett | Full Movie | Subtitled