New Released Full Movie in Hindi | New Bollywood Full Movie | Arjun Rampal Movie | Moksha

New Released Full Movie in Hindi | New Bollywood Full Movie | Arjun Rampal Movie | Moksha

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New Released Full Movie in Hindi | New Bollywood Full Movie | Arjun Rampal Movie | Moksha
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Film: Moksha (2001)
Cast : Arjun Rampal , Manisha Koirala , Kalpana Pandit , Suresh Oberoi , Kamal Chopra , Pawan Chopra , Farida Jalal , Sushma Seth , Sulabha Deshpande , Shubhangi Gokhale , Danny Denzongpa , Naseeruddin Shah , Kiran Kumar , Gulshan Grover , Paresh Rawal , Mohan Gokhale , Archana Puran Singh , Saurabh Shukla , Jeetu Verma , Vaishali Mehta , Aksha Pardasany

Directed : Ashok Mehta
Producer : Vivek b Agrawal, Ashok Mehta, Neerja Mehta
Music : Salim Merchant, Rajesh Roshan

The story revolves around Vikram Saigal, a law graduate who is dissatisfied with his current situation. He is an idealist and aspires to fight against corruption and societal issues to make a change in the world. Hritika, a young girl, is enamored with him and tries to win his heart. At first, Vikram rejects her advances, but after she presents him with an expensive painting, they become a couple.
Vikram’s idealism leads him to want to establish a free legal service for the poor. However, he finds it difficult to find like-minded lawyers to support his cause. His father and boss think he is too young and naive to understand the ramifications of providing free legal services, and he becomes more disillusioned. Eventually, he plans to rob a bank to obtain the money needed to establish his free legal institute.
Together with Hritika, Vikram hatches a plot to rob a bank. However, Hritika has a change of heart and persuades Vikram to abandon the plan. On the day of the planned robbery, an informant alerts the bank authorities, causing them to be on high alert.
Hritika is found dead shortly after, and all signs point to Vikram. A courtroom battle ensues, with Vikram representing himself. After the verdict, Hritika’s best friend reveals that she, not Hritika, was the informant who alerted the bank. Overcome with guilt, Vikram attempts to take his own life but is unable to do so. He decides to rob the bank again, this time with an unloaded gun. He enters the bank with the intention of sacrificing himself, and ultimately dies from a gunshot wound.

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मोक्ष Moksha (HD) – New Released Full Movie in Hindi | New Bollywood Full Movie | Arjun Rampal Movie

मोक्ष Moksha (HD) – New Released Full Movie in Hindi | New Bollywood Full Movie | Arjun Rampal Movie

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Film: Moksha (2001)
Cast : Arjun Rampal , Manisha Koirala , Kalpana Pandit , Suresh Oberoi , Kamal Chopra , Pawan Chopra , Farida Jalal , Sushma Seth , Sulabha Deshpande , Shubhangi Gokhale , Danny Denzongpa , Naseeruddin Shah , Kiran Kumar , Gulshan Grover , Paresh Rawal , Mohan Gokhale , Archana Puran Singh , Saurabh Shukla , Jeetu Verma , Vaishali Mehta , Aksha Pardasany

Directed : Ashok Mehta
Producer : Vivek b Agrawal, Ashok Mehta, Neerja Mehta
Music : Salim Merchant, Rajesh Roshan

The story revolves around Vikram Saigal, a law graduate who is dissatisfied with his current situation. He is an idealist and aspires to fight against corruption and societal issues to make a change in the world. Hritika, a young girl, is enamored with him and tries to win his heart. At first, Vikram rejects her advances, but after she presents him with an expensive painting, they become a couple.
Vikram’s idealism leads him to want to establish a free legal service for the poor. However, he finds it difficult to find like-minded lawyers to support his cause. His father and boss think he is too young and naive to understand the ramifications of providing free legal services, and he becomes more disillusioned. Eventually, he plans to rob a bank to obtain the money needed to establish his free legal institute.
Together with Hritika, Vikram hatches a plot to rob a bank. However, Hritika has a change of heart and persuades Vikram to abandon the plan. On the day of the planned robbery, an informant alerts the bank authorities, causing them to be on high alert.
Hritika is found dead shortly after, and all signs point to Vikram. A courtroom battle ensues, with Vikram representing himself. After the verdict, Hritika’s best friend reveals that she, not Hritika, was the informant who alerted the bank. Overcome with guilt, Vikram attempts to take his own life but is unable to do so. He decides to rob the bank again, this time with an unloaded gun. He enters the bank with the intention of sacrificing himself, and ultimately dies from a gunshot wound.

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