ਜਿਉਣੇ ਮੌੜ ਦੀ ਮੌ*ਤ ਦਾ ਅਸਲ ਸੱਚ | Jeona Maurh History | Punjab Siyan

ਜਿਉਣੇ ਮੌੜ ਦੀ ਮੌ*ਤ ਦਾ ਅਸਲ ਸੱਚ  | Jeona Maurh History | Punjab Siyan

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This video is not a spoiler for Maurh Film
nor we try to Critize the Film or any actor
we just tried to narrate the intersting and less known facts from jeona maurh’s Life

Jeona maurh history
jeona maurh was known as the robinhood of punjab
the popular bandit of punjab the real story of jeona maurh
many films, songs were made on the life of jeona maurh
as in past gaggu gill played the role of jeona maurh in a film called jatt jeona maurh
ਜੱਟ ਜਿਓਣਾ ਮੌੜ film

now ammy virk played a role of jeona maurh in a film called maurh film
produced by rythem boys
well appreciated step by Rythem boyz and director Jatinder Mauhar and all the star cast and crew
these type of film have to be made
so that our new genaration can know about heroes of punjab
dev kharaud playedcthe role of kishna very well
the role of dogar is played by vikramjeet singh virk
now come to the history of jeona maurh

how jeona maurh become baaghi ?
why we mention in thumnail that jeona maurh is not a daaku?
how was jeona maurh in real life

ਜਿਓਣਾ ਮੌੜ ਸਾਡੇ ਪੰਜਾਬ ਦਾ ਇੱਕ ਲੋਕ ਨਾਇਕ ਹੈ
ਜਿਸਨੇ ਕਦੇ ਗਰੀਬਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਧੱਕਾ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤਾ

ਉਮੀਦ ਕਰਦੇ ਹਾਂ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਇਹ ਵੀਡੀਓ ਪਸੰਦ ਆਵੇਗੀ
ਸਤਿ ਸ਼੍ਰੀ ਅਕਾਲ ਜੀ

Download Movie ਜਿਉਣੇ ਮੌੜ ਦੀ ਮੌ*ਤ ਦਾ ਅਸਲ ਸੱਚ | Jeona Maurh History | Punjab Siyan

Maurh Movie Screening | Ammy Virk | Dev Kharoud | Vikramjeet Virk | Maurh |New Punjabi Movie 2023

Maurh Movie Screening | Ammy Virk | Dev Kharoud | Vikramjeet Virk | Maurh |New Punjabi Movie 2023

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Maurh Movie Screening | Ammy Virk | Dev Kharoud | Vikramjeet Virk | Maurh |New Punjabi Movie 2023
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Host: Simran Hans
CameraMan – Pawan Maurya
Edit : Raj Kumar
Channel Producer – Rythem Mahajan

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Download Movie Maurh Movie Screening | Ammy Virk | Dev Kharoud | Vikramjeet Virk | Maurh |New Punjabi Movie 2023