Hero (FULL MOVIE) | Jimmy Shergill | Surveen Chawla| JAGDEEP SIDHU | PUNJABI MOVIE | 2022

Hero (FULL MOVIE) | Jimmy Shergill | Surveen Chawla| JAGDEEP SIDHU | PUNJABI MOVIE | 2022

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Hero (FULL MOVIE) | Jimmy Shergill | Surveen Chawla| JAGDEEP SIDHU | PUNJABI MOVIE | 2022 ( NO CLICKBAIT)

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Download Movie Hero (FULL MOVIE) | Jimmy Shergill | Surveen Chawla| JAGDEEP SIDHU | PUNJABI MOVIE | 2022

Kulraj Randhawa on working with Jimmy Shergill and their new Punjabi movie: Tu Hovein Main Hovan

Kulraj Randhawa on working with Jimmy Shergill and their new Punjabi movie: Tu Hovein Main Hovan

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Kulraj Randhawa, Indian actress talks about working with Jimmy Shergill and their new romantic comedy punjabi movie: Tu Hovein Main Hovan releasing Worldwide on Feb 10th,2023. Tu Hovein Main Hovan is directed by Vakil Singh and stars Jimmy Shergill, Kulraj Randhawa & Seema Kaushal. The movie is produced by Harry Pannu who also joins Kulraj Randhawa in this ATN special episode. ATN is The Exclusive Television Media Sponsor across Canada.

Kulraj also answers her fan mail and talks about her future projects.

#kulrajrandhawa #jimmyshergill #punjabimovies

Download Movie Kulraj Randhawa on working with Jimmy Shergill and their new Punjabi movie: Tu Hovein Main Hovan