THE FOREIGNER [JACKIE CHAN] English ACTION Movie Full HD |English Action Thriller Movie #subtitles

THE FOREIGNER [JACKIE CHAN] English ACTION Movie Full HD |English Action Thriller Movie #subtitles

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The story of humble London businessman Quan (Chan), whose long-buried past erupts in a revenge-fueled vendetta when the only person left for him to love – his teenage daughter – is taken from him in a senseless act of politically-motivated terrorism. In his relentless search for the identity of the terrorists, Quan is forced into a cat- and-mouse conflict with a Irish government official (Brosnan), whose own past may hold clues to the identities of the elusive killers.

SPONSORED: Cast & crew
#2017 7
1h 53m
Jackie Chan in The Foreigner (2017)

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Download Movie THE FOREIGNER [JACKIE CHAN] English ACTION Movie Full HD |English Action Thriller Movie #subtitles